The following procedure enables you to view the Schedule Entry page and access additional information on a student's schedule, such as details on individual courses or the list of students enrolled in a course. For information on using the Schedule Entry page's Selections panel to personalize your view of the page, refer to Personalizing Schedule Entry.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link. By default, the Schedule Entry page displays in List format, showing all course-sections assigned to the student.
Review the schedule.
To display more columns, use the horizontal scroll bar to scroll to the right.
To scroll vertically within the schedule grid to view more courses, use the vertical scroll bar. To change vertical scrolling to scroll within the page, click (Additional options) on the Schedule List panel, then select Scroll on Page. To change back to grid scrolling, click (Additional options) on the Schedule List panel, then select Scroll in Grid.
To view the schedule in Grid mode, click the Grid button at the upper left of the page. To change the view back to List mode, click the List button at the upper left. For more information, refer to Schedule Entry Page: Grid Mode.
To view details on a scheduled course, click the course's Description link to display the Student Course page. To return to the Student Entry page, click Back.
To view the list of students enrolled in a course, select the course's checkbox in the Action column, click Action in the column header to display the Course Actions dialog, and then select Class List to display the Class List window. To close the window, click OK.
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