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Validate Immunizations Page

Use this page to run the immunization validation process. The system checks the immunizations for a student, based on the immunization criteria and schedules. It determines the status for each immunization, as well as students' overall status.

For more information on the validation processing, refer to Immunization Validation Processing.

Validate student immunization schedules

  1. Select Medical > All > Utilities > Validate Immunizations.
  2. Specify the calculation options.
  3. Click Run.


Prompts Panel




The enrollment building for students who will be processed by the validation.

Calc Date

Date for which you want to validate immunizations.


Today - to run for today. Use this entry if you want this to run at scheduled intervals.
By Date - to enter a specific date.

Active Students Only

Checked if the validation should process only students who are active in Registration.

Series Type(s)

Indicates whether all immunization series types should be processed or only specified ones. The series list will be further limited to those included in the criteria you pick.

Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click

(asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.

Criteria List

Indicates whether all criteria should be processed or only specified ones.

Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click

(asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.

Margin of Error

If you want to accept student vaccinations that occur ahead of schedule, define the time period allowed. Enter the number in the first field, and select the period (Days, Weeks, or Months) from the drop-down.

Example: If a vaccination should have been administered on or after the student's first birthday, but occurred 2 days beforehand, and you entered 0 as the margin of error, the immunization would be invalid. If the margin of error was 2 or more days, then the immunization would be valid.

The Use Month/Year Calculation field in the Medical Configuration determines whether shots are due on the exact date or due at the end of the month.

Apply Margin of Error to Doses

The dose number to which the margin of error should be applied.


All - to apply the margin to all doses.
Selected - to apply the margin to selected doses. Then enter the dose numbers in a comma-delimited list.

Status List

Indicates whether the validation should process series records for all statuses or only specified ones.

Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click

(asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.

Calculate Overall Status On

Indicates whether the students' Overall Status should be calculated based on all series types or on selected series types.

Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click

(asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.


When you do not select all series types in this field, the student's overall status is set based only on the series types you have selected to process. Thus, a student's overall status may be set to Meets Requirements or Complete even if the student is overdue for a series that was not selected.

Generate Letters

Checked if you want to create the notification letter file. The letter file can then be downloaded to your PC and merged with form letters created in Microsoft® Office Word.

Generate Notifications

Checked if you want to send immunization notifications electronically via the PLUS 360 Notifications engine to subscribed users configured to receive notifications and optional email notifications.

Generate Grace Period Alerts

Checked if the validation should send immunization email alerts after student grace periods expire. Alerts are sent to:

  • An internal user whose email address is specified in the Medical Configuration. The email lists all students who are not in compliance with the immunization schedule after the grace period has expired.
  • Guardians, if the Medical Configuration's Send Alert Email to Parents box is checked.

This field is enabled if the building is set up to use immunization record alerts in the Medical Configuration. Otherwise, it is disabled

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