This section covers the more advanced features of the application.
How does a user switch to a different building?
The eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app allows users to access information for one building. The user's default security building is used as the default building. This section will help you assist a user who needs to change the building in the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app.
Note that when the building is changed, the photo images on the device are deleted and new photos are downloaded for students in the building selected.
For iOS devices
Open the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app.
Tap Settings on the Dashboard screen.
Tap Building on Settings screen.
Swipe up or down to scroll through buildings. Select building, then tap Done for the lookup.
Tap Done at top of Settings.
For Android devices
From the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app, display the menu. The option to display the menu varies depending on device.
Tap User Settings.
Tap Building ID on User Settings screen.
Swipe up or down to scroll through buildings.
Tap desired building to select it.
How does a user switch to a different district or reset the district passkey?
To switch to a different district or reset the district passkey, the user needs to clear the data from the device and restart the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app. Refer to the appropriate procedure for the user's device.
For iOS devices
Press Home to display the home screen.
Tap Settings.
Swipe through options and tap eSchoolPLUS.
For the Reset All Data field, tap Off to switch to On.
Stop the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app.
Tap the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile App icon to restart the app.
When prompted for the district passkey, enter the passkey.
For Android devices
From the device's Setting screen, display the Application Manager.
Swipe through options and tap eSchoolPLUS.
Tap Clear Data.
Click OK.
Close the Settings screen.
Tap the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile App icon to start the app.
When prompted for the district passkey, enter the passkey for the district.
What is stored in the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app cache?
When data is initially loaded for a building, the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app stores some data in a cache on the device. A cache transparently stores data so that future requests for the data can be served faster.
The cache stores:
Student names and IDs for the students in the building.
Validation codes for Note Type, Issue Locations, Issue Type, Grade.
When you access a student, the student's data is pulled directly from the eSchoolPLUS database.
How is the cache refreshed?
The user can schedule to have the cache refreshed at set intervals or immediately sync data. The cache can be refreshed daily, weekly, or monthly; the default is monthly. Refreshing the cache will increase the battery usage of the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app and increase the amount of data that is being downloaded. Consider how often students move in and out of the building when selecting the refresh schedule.
Additionally, when the building is changed, the cache is also updated as the previous building's data is deleted and the current building's data is loaded to the cache.
To set the schedule for refreshing the cache:
For iOS devices
Open the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app.
Tap Settings on the Dashboard screen.
In the Data Sync section, tap the value selected for the Refresh Cache field.
Swipe up or down to scroll through options. Select the option, then tap Done for the lookup.
Tap Done at top of Settings screen.
For Android devices
From the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app, display the menu. The option to display the menu varies depending on device.
Tap User Settings.
In the Data Sync section of the User Settings screen, tap Cache Refresh Interval.
Tap the desired schedule.
Tap the Back button to close the User Settings screen.
To sync data immediately:
For iOS devices
Open the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app.
Tap Settings on the Dashboard screen.
In the Data Sync section, tap Sync.
Tap Done at top of Settings screen.
For Android devices
From the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app, display the menu. The option to display the menu varies depending on device.
Tap User Settings.
In the Data Sync section of the User Settings screen, tap Refresh Now.
Where can I see the last time data was synchronized?
The user can see the date and time for the last data sync in the settings.
For iOS devices
Open the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app.
Tap Settings on the Dashboard screen.
In the Data Sync section, look at the Last Sync field for the date and time of the last sync.
If data has not been synchronized recently, you may want to use the Refresh Now option to update the cache.
Tap Done at top of Settings screen.
For Android devices
From the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app, display the menu. The option to display the menu varies depending on device.
Tap User Settings.
In the Data Sync section of the User Settings screen, look at the date and time displayed under the Refresh Now option.
If data has not been synchronized recently, you may want to tap the Refresh Now option to update the cache.
Tap the Back button to close the User Settings screen.
How does the user turn on push notifications?
To receive push notifications for the high priority subscriptions in eSchoolPLUS, the user needs to turn on notifications for the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app.
Push notifications are only available if your district uses eSchoolPLUS Version 3.1 or higher.
Push notifications require a valid SIM card and an active cellular data connection or Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi is only used when a cellular connection is unavailable. Firewalls and proxy servers may affect the ability to receive notifications.
For push notifications, the device is linked to an eSchoolPLUS user when the user logs into the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app. Do not turn push notifications on for a shared device as notifications may be sent to a user that has not subscribed to them.
Refer to the appropriate procedure for the user's device.
For iOS devices
Press Home to display the home screen.
Tap Settings.
Swipe through options and tap Notifications Center.
Swipe through options and tap eSchoolPLUS.
Select your preference for the Alert Style.
For Android devices
The following procedure applies only for devices running Android version 4.1 or higher. For earlier versions of Android, notifications are turned on automatically and cannot be turned off.
From the device's Setting screen, display the Application Manager.
Swipe through options and tap eSchoolPLUS.
Tap the Show Notifications box to enter a checkmark.
Close the Settings screen.
How does the user select the push notifications to receive?
The eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app receives push notifications for the eSchoolPLUS notifications that the user has subscribed to as high priority. For push notifications, the device is linked to an eSchoolPLUS user when the user logs into the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app. Use the eSchoolPLUS Notification Subscription option to review or change the user's subscriptions.
Push notifications are only available if your district uses eSchoolPLUS Version 3.1 or higher.
How does the user turn off push notifications?
To turn off push notifications for the high priority subscriptions in eSchoolPLUS, refer to the appropriate procedure for the user's device.
For iOS devices
Press Home to display the home screen.
Tap Settings.
Swipe through options and tap Notifications Center.
Swipe through options and tap eSchoolPLUS.
Set the Alert Style to None.
For Android devices
The following procedure applies only for devices running Android version 4.1 or higher. For earlier versions of Android, notifications are turned on automatically and cannot be turned off.
From the device's Setting screen, display the Application Manager.
Swipe through options and tap eSchoolPLUS.
Tap the Show Notifications box to remove the checkmark.
Close the Settings screen.
How does a user download data if going off site?
This section will help you assist a user who needs to have access to basic student data when the user is off site. For example, an administrator could want access to student information while chaperoning a field trip. The eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app provides an offline mode where data can be downloaded to the device.
Offline mode uses a PIN created by the user to secure the app.
Note that your district can disable offline mode if you do not want users to use this feature. Use the Mobile Connector Admin tool to turn off the ability to use offline mode.
When in Offline mode, the options available are limited to conserve space on the device. The following screens are available in offline mode:
Dashboard: Bell Schedule and Birthdays
Student: Schedule, Contact Information, Medical Info, and Demographics
For iOS devices
Open the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app.
Tap Settings on the Dashboard screen.
In the Offline Mode section, tap Off to switch to On.
In the Account fields, enter and verify the PIN. Then tap Expiration Date to select the last date you want to access the downloaded data.
Tap Done.
Tap Save. The application will immediately begin downloading data. When it is completed, you will be prompted to login using your user name and the PIN you created.
For Android devices
From the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app, display the menu. The option to display the menu varies depending on device.
Tap User Settings.
In the Offline Mode section, tap the Enable box to enter a checkmark and open the Account settings.
In the Account fields, enter and verify the PIN. Then tap Expiration Date to select the last date you want to access the downloaded data.
Tap OK. The application will immediately begin downloading data. When it is completed, you will be prompted to login using your user name and the PIN you created.
How does a user exit Offline mode?
This section will help you assist a user who wants to turn off Offine mode so they can access the eSchoolPLUS database from the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app.
For iOS devices
Open the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app. Use your offline PIN to login.
Tap Settings on the Dashboard screen.
In the Offline Mode section, tap On to switch to Off.
Tap Done.
The eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app login page displays. Login using your eSchoolPLUS user name and password
For Android devices
From the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app, display the menu. The option to display the menu varies depending on device.
Tap User Settings.
In the Offline Mode section, tap Enable box to remove checkmark.
The eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app login page displays. Login using your eSchoolPLUS user name and password.
What if the user does not want to store photos on the device?
The eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app uses student photos in the student search gallery to help users quickly identify that they are selecting the right student. But, if the user doesn't want to store photos on the device, turn this feature off.
For iOS devices
Open the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app.
Tap Settings on the Dashboard screen.
In the Data Sync section, tap Show Photos to switch selection from On to Off.
Tap Done.
For Android devices
From the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app, display the menu. The option to display the menu varies depending on device.
Tap User Settings.
Tap Show Photos checkbox to remove checkmark.
Tap the Back button to close the User Settings screen.
Display the menu. The option to display the menu varies depending on device.
Tap Configuration.
Tap Refresh Images.
Tap the Back button to close the Configuration screen.
Note that if you had displayed the Students option before you changed this setting, you may initially still see photos when you go back to the Students option. After you click Search or swipe through the image gallery, the screen will refresh and the photos will no longer display.
Is there a way to display help overlays again?
You can reset help so the help overlays display again. Help overlays display for key screens the first time the screen is accessed after the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app is first installed or any time the data on the device is reset. Additionally, it is possible to reset the help without resetting the data.
For iOS devices
Press Home to display the home screen.
Tap Settings.
Swipe through options and tap eSchoolPLUS.
For the Reset Help Display field, tap Off to switch to On.
Press home. Then tap the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile App icon to start the app.
For Android devices
From the eSchoolPLUS Admin Mobile app, display the menu. The option to display the menu varies depending on device.
Tap Configuration.
Tap Reset Help Display.
Tap the Back button.
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