Validation tables can be defined by your district to validate fields on district-defined pages. After the table has been created within the database, you can add it to the Validation Tables Page so users can define valid values.
On the Validation Tables page, the user first selects the application area and then all applicable tables are listed in the Validation Table field. The user-defined validation tables that have been added display at the bottom of the list.
Add user-defined validation tables
Add the table to your district's database and write down its name.
Navigate to the menu path: Administration, General Setup, District, and then select Validation Tables.
Click (View detail) at the top of the page.
On the User-Defined Validation Table List window, enter the following:
Application Areas: Select the application area that the table applies to. This is the package that users will select to find the table on the Validation Tables page.
Database Table: Enter the table you added in Step 1.
Description: Enter a description for the table. This is the name users will select on the Validation Tables page.
Click Save.
Delete user-defined validation tables
To remove a user-defined validation table from the Validation Tables page, you must delete its entry on the User-Defined Validation Tables List window. The table itself is not deleted from the database, but users will no longer be able to define validation records for the table.
Navigate to the menu path: Administration, General Setup, District, and then select Validation Tables.
Click (View detail) at the top of the page.
On the User-Defined Validation Table List window, select the (Delete) checkbox.
Click Save.
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