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Uploading the Template

After you have modified the template for the interim progress report, report card, or transcript, you must upload the template to the appropriate report views. If more than one view uses the same template, you must update the other views to the new template name.

  1. In eSchoolPlus, display one of the view setup pages:
    To display the Progress View Setup page, select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > View Setup > Progress View Setup from the menu. On the search page, select a progress view to display.
    To display the Report Card View Setup page, select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > View Setup > Report Card View Setup from the menu. On the search page, select one of the report card views defined as a View Type of R - Report Card Type.
    To display the Transcript View Setup page, select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > View Setup > Transcript View Setup from the menu. On the search page, select one of the transcript views defined as a View Type of T - Transcript.
  2. Click
  3. An upload template window displays. Click Browse.
  4. On the Choose File window, browse to the correct directory and select the template you want to upload. Then click Open.
  5. Click Upload to copy the file to the server.
  6. The application displays progress information indicating that the file is being uploaded. When the upload is completed, click Close.
  7. On the view setup page, click
    to save the filename for the template you uploaded.
  8. If another view uses the same template, update the view and enter the new template filename.
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