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Transfer Building Page

Use this page to create student transfer records for the buildings and school years for which the student needs transfer records. For a building, create one record for each school year for which transfer courses should be printed on the student's transcript. For more information on transfers, refer to Overview of Student Transfer Records.

If the student has course records for more than one building during a school year and report card run, you can add multiple transfer building detail records for the same period of time. When you create the transfer detail records for the student, a unique transfer building number is needed for each building that the student attended at the same time. To track multiple transfer buildings for a period of time, your district must have multiple transfer buildings.

To access the Transfer Building page, Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > Transcript Summary > click Transfer Building link or click Add in the Transfer Buildings panel


Student Information Bar

The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.

Transfer Building Panel



School Year

School year for which you are entering transfer information for the student.

Transfer Building

Building number of the transfer building.

State Building

Select the building code to report to the state for this transfer building.

Building Name

Name of the building where the student transferred from. Character/255

If you selected a state building, the description of the building defaults for the building name.

RC Runs

Select the report card runs when the student attended the transfer building.

Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click

(asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.

When you add a transfer record, select a report card run if:

  • The student received marks for a mark issued during that run.
  • The student should have a GPA record created for the building based on this report card run. For example, if a GPA record should be created for the building for a yearly GPA type, you must check the last report card run, even if the student will not receive a mark for the last report card run.


Student's enrollment grade for the school year.

Building Type

Building's use, for example, high school or middle school. Transcript views specify the courses to include based on the building type of the building assigned to the course. For example, a transcript view may include only courses taken in high school buildings.

If you add a transfer course for the building and you do not select the course from the Course Catalog, the Building Type entered here is assigned to the transfer course.


Comment for the transfer building record. Character/255

Transfer Building Details Panel



Building Abbreviation

Abbreviation for building. Character/10


Principal of the building. Character/255

Street Address

Two lines of address information. Each line is Character/255


City where the building is located. Character/255


State where the building is located.

Zip Code

Zip code for the building. Character/9


Country where the building is located. Character/255

Phone Number

Building's area code and phone number. Character/10

Fax Number

Building's area code and fax number. Character/10

Entry Date

Date the student entered the building. This date does not appear on transcripts.

Withdrawal Date

Date the student withdrew, as defined by your state reporting requirements. The date is either the last date the student attended the building or the first date the student did not attend. This date does not appear on transcripts.

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