Use this page to verify that the setups have been completed for a building that has course information printed on a transcript. For these buildings, you must have setups for prior years to print data correctly.
This page displays information for the options that sites typically need to have set up to print transcripts. Review the data to make sure that the building is set up correctly. Red text indicates missing data.
Your district may not need to complete all listed setups. For example, if your site does not print state courses (course equivalency) on the transcript, you do not need to have setups defined for the Course Equivalency Setup and State Courses options.
In the View Options panel, select the building and school years to verify.
Click Load to display setup information.
To navigate to a setup to edit or add setups, click (Navigate) in title bar of the applicable section or click the link. If the setup that needs to be edited or added is for a prior school year, you must change your environment to the appropriate school year. Refer to Set Environment for details on changing your environment.
View Options Panel
Select the building for which you want to verify the setup options for transcripts.
School Year
Select the latest school year for which you want to verify the setup options for transcripts.
Prior Years
Enter the number of prior years before the selected school year for which you want to verify the setup options. For example, to verify that setups exist for the school years that will be printed on a senior's transcript which include this year and the prior 3 years, enter 3.
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