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Test Scores Ongoing Procedures

On a regular basis, enter data, as applicable, for all registered students. This procedure provides general information about the steps involved in maintaining test data.

  1. If you need to create a data file to send to a testing company, complete the following steps:
    1. Use the Run Download (Administration > Utilities > Download & Upload > Run Download) option to create the download file.
    2. Click Tasks/Reports to display your reports. Use your browser's options to open and save the file to the appropriate directory on your PC so you can send the file to the testing company.
  2. If you did not receive a testing data file that you are loading, enter student test information and results for the tests and subtests you have defined using the Test Scores > All > Office > Test History by Test option. Skip to step 10.
    For procedures to enter test scores, refer to Add test score results by test and Add test score results by student.
  3. If you received testing data from the testing company, upload the file to the eSchoolPlus server using the Upload File option (Administration > Utilities > Download & Upload > Upload File).
  4. Verify that your import or upload interface is defined correctly for the data file using one of the following options:
    • Run the Test Score Import option (Test Scores > All > Utilities > Import Scores from File) with the Run Mode field set to "Verify upload data without updating database."
    • Run the Run Upload option (Administration > Utilities > Download & Upload > Run Upload) with the Run Mode field set to "Verify upload data without updating database."
  5. Review the SQL syntax in the log file for accuracy.
  6. If necessary, make corrections to the interface.
  7. After you have verified that data will be loaded correctly, run the options in Update mode
    • Run the Test Score Import option (Test Scores > All > Utilities > Import Scores from File) with the Run Mode field set to "Run Test Score Import, updating the database."
    • Run the Run Upload option (Administration > Utilities > Download & Upload > Run Upload) with the Run Mode field set to "Run upload, updating the database."
  8. If you used the Run Upload option to load data, run the Error Scan (Test Scores > All > Utilities > Test Score Error Scan) and select to Log and Fix errors for the Invalid Tracking Data scan to update the test records with the students' building, grade, and age on the test date.
  9. If you create test score records based on report card marks, run the Load Marks to Test Scores option (Mark Reporting > Utilities > Mass Update/Load > Load Marks to Test Scores).
  10. Maintain the student test data using the Test History option (Test Scores > All > Office > Test History by Test).
  11. Run the Test Score Error Scan (Test Scores > All > Utilities > Test Score Error Scan) as needed.
  12. Print reports as needed using the Test History report option (Test Scores > All > Reports > Test History).
  13. If test scores are used to calculate at risk reasons for overall at risk processing or for Student Success Plans, run the Test Scores At-Risk calculation option (Interventions > All > At Risk > Tests Calculation).
  14. If scores are used to populate report card marks, run the Load Test Scores to Marks option (Mark Reporting > Utilities > Mass Update/Load > Load Test Scores to Marks).
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