Test Score Error Scan Page
On this page:
Use this option to run the error scan to verify testing information. The error scan checks for errors in relationships between records, for example, in the definitions of tests, subtests, tracking fields, and tracking validation. It also checks for errors in fields compared to the appropriate definitions and the types of data stored. The error scan can also correct errors resulting from loading data or invalid data entry.
You can select the error conditions to look for in the scan and select whether it logs errors or logs and fixes errors. For detailed information on the error conditions included in this scan, refer to the descriptions in the Fields section.
If your site uploads testing data, you should always run the error scan to check for errors after loading data. If the Run Upload option was used to load scores, then in addition to any scans you run to check for errors in the loaded data, you must run the Invalid Tracking Data scan to update the student testing records with the building, grade, and age of the student on the test date.
When you run the error scan to log and fix errors, the error scan deletes data.
- Back up your data before running the error scan.
- You should always run the error scan to log errors before you run the scan to log and fix errors.
- Carefully review this help topic and make sure that you are running the correct scans on your testing data. For example, if you select to log and fix for the Tracking Without Scores scan, the scan deletes any student test records that do not have at least one score record.
Menu Path: Test Scores > All > Utilities > Test Score Error Scan
- Run the scans for record-level errors separately from the scans for field-level errors. Read the Fields section carefully to make sure you are running the appropriate portions of the scan.
- Use filters when you run the error scan so it only checks the data you have just uploaded.
- The Error Scan is a time-intensive process; you may want to run it in the background over a weekend.
Run Test Scores error scan
- Select Test Scores > All > Utilities > Test Score Error Scan.
Specify the report options.
NoteIf you set up sorts or filters searching for scores, records will be sorted in character order, not in numeric order. Using the greater than or less than operators (<, >, <=, or >=) to filter scores may not return the results you expect. For example, if the values for a score were 1, 2, 3,...9,10 and you entered a condition of >=10, then the values 2,3,...9,10 would meet your criteria because when the values are sorted as characters, the order is 1, 10, 2, 3,...9. Additionally, if you entered a condition of >=9, the value 10 will not meet the condition
- Click Run.
Prompts Panel
For each scan listed below, specify how, and if, you want to run the scan.
Log and Fix - to correct data and to list the error that was fixed in the error scan report. This option may delete records from the database if testing information does not match. You should always run the error scan to log errors before you run the scan to log and fix errors.
Log Only - to list the error in the error scan report.
Skip - if you do not want to run this scan to check for errors.
The filter you specify affects whether an error scan option is processed. Refer to the field descriptions for information on whether a scan will be skipped based on your filter.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||
Tests Without Subtests | This scan checks for test definitions that do not have any subtests defined. If you fix errors, ltdb_test records with no corresponding ltdb_subtest record will be deleted. The scan results display on the Test Definition Records Without Subtest Definition Records page of the error scan log. If the filter includes Subtest Definition Area, this scan will not be run. | ||||||||||||||||||
Subtests Without Tests | This scan checks for subtests that have a test code, form, and level that is not defined in a test definition record. If you fix errors, ltdb_subtest records with no corresponding ltdb_test record will be deleted. The scan results display on the Subtest Definition Records Without Test Definition Records page of the error scan log. If the filter includes Test Definition Area, this scan will not be run. | ||||||||||||||||||
Tracking Without Registration | This scan checks for testing information for student IDs that do not exist in the Registration table. If you fix errors, ltdb_stu_test records for student IDs with no corresponding Registration record will be deleted. The scan results display on the Student Tracking Records For Students Not In Registration page of the error scan log. | ||||||||||||||||||
Tracking Without Tests | This scan checks for student tracking records for a test that does not have a test definition record. If you fix errors, the ltdb_stu_trk_data records for a test that does not have a corresponding ltdb_test record will be deleted. The scan results display on the Student Tracking Records Without Test Definition Records page of the error scan log. If the filter includes Test Definition Area, this scan will not be run. | ||||||||||||||||||
Scores Without Subtests | This scan checks for student scores that do not have a score definition record for the subtest. If you fix errors, ltdb_stu_subtest records that do not have a corresponding ltdb_subtest_score record will be deleted. The scan results display on the Student Subtest Score Records Without Subtest Score Definition Records page of the error scan log. If the filter includes Subtest Definitions Area, this scan will not be run. | ||||||||||||||||||
Tracking Without Scores | This scan checks for student tracking records for a test for which the student has no scores. If you fix errors, ltdb_stu_trk_data records that do not have any corresponding ltdb_stu_subtest records will be deleted. The scan results display on the Student Test Tracking Records Without Student Score Records page of the error scan log. If you manually enter student tracking data before uploading student scores, do not run this option in Log and Fix mode until after you have loaded student scores. For example, do not run this scan for a test if users add test date and student tracking information for the test on the Test History page before you run the utility to load score data. The error scan would delete any test tracking data entered for the test because scores have not been entered for the students. If the filter includes Student Subtest Data Area, this scan will not be run. | ||||||||||||||||||
Scores Without Tracking | This scan checks for student score records for a test for which the student does not have any corresponding student tracking or test records. If you fix errors, ltdb_stu_subtest records with no corresponding ltdb_stu_test record will be deleted. The scan results display on the Student Subtest Score Records Without Student Test Tracking Records Definitions page of the error scan log. If the filter includes Student Test Data Area, this scan will not be run. | ||||||||||||||||||
Tracking Specifications Without Tests | This scan checks for student tracking definitions defined with a test code, test level, and test form that do not have a corresponding test definition. If you fix errors, ltdb_stu_tracking records with no corresponding ltdb_test record will be deleted. The results display on the Student Tracking Specification Records Without Tests Records page of the error scan log. If the filter includes Test Definition Area, this scan will not be run. | ||||||||||||||||||
Tracking Data Without Definitions | This scan checks for student tracking data that does not correspond to the student tracking definitions for a test. For example, if a student has an ltdb_stu_trk_data record with a Field Number value that does not have a corresponding record in ltdb_stu_tracking, the ltdb_stu_trk_data record will be deleted. The scan results display on the Student Tracking Data Records Without Student Tracking Definition Records page of the error scan log. | ||||||||||||||||||
Invalid Tracking Data | This scan checks for invalid or missing student tracking data for tests. The system checks whether the tracking data stored for the student passes the validation tests defined in the student tracking setup, as well as other general validation tests, such as type of data and data length. It also checks to make sure that the standard tracking data fields (age, grade, and building) have data entered and that the data entered is valid. The scan results display on the Invalid Student Tracking Data page of the error scan log. If you run this scan set to fix tracking data, the following corrections will be made:
The following messages may display in the Errors column on the Invalid Student Tracking Data page of the error scan log:
| ||||||||||||||||||
Subtest Without Required Score Data | This scan checks for subtests for which the student does not have a score for a required score field. If the subtest score record for the score has the Required box checked, the score is required for the subtest and an error will be logged if the student does not have an ltdb_stu_subtest record for the score. This scan can be run only in log and skip modes. There is no "fix" option available for this scan. The results display on the Student Test Tracking Records Without Required Score Data page of the error scan log. | ||||||||||||||||||
Active Status | Checked if you want to scan testing information only for students with an active status. | ||||||||||||||||||
Log Statistics | Checked if you want to print the prompts in a log file. Otherwise, a log file will be created only if an error occurs. |