If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
Click the Course Description link to display the Mark Reporting Detail page for the course.
Click Competencies at the top of the page to display the Competencies page.
Click (Additional options) and select Scheduling/RC Synchronization.
On the Scheduling/RC Synchronization dialog, specify how to run the calculation.
To create the data file without deleting the invalid mark reporting information, leave the Delete Invalid Marks checkbox unchecked.
To delete the invalid mark reporting information and create the data file, select the Delete Invalid Marks checkbox.
Click Run.
When the task completes, use the Tasks/Reports option to review the CSV data file for the synchronization. If no CSV file is created, there may have been no invalid marks to delete.
If you selected to not delete invalid marks in Step 6 and the data file listed invalid mark reporting information, you must run the Scheduling/RC Synchronization again and select to delete the information. If there was mark reporting information listed that should not be deleted, make sure you have corrected the scheduling information before you run the Scheduling/RC Synchronization again for the student.
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