Use this page to add or view vaccinations for a student. Your district sets up the vaccination names used and the requirements for students. Initially, this page displays the vaccinations that are defined to auto generate for all students.
This page includes two modes:
Displays a grid of vaccination information including fields to record doses.
Displays a panel for each vaccination so you can view detailed information. Use this option if you need to record source documents, indicate the student had the disease associated with the vaccination, or enter referrals.
View student immunizations
Select Medical > All > Student > Immunizations.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
To view a detail panel for each vaccination, click Detail at the top of the page.
To return to the Summary mode, click Summary.
Enter vaccination information in Summary mode
Use this procedure to enter vaccination information if the student does not have source documents, has no referrals, and has not had the disease. Otherwise, refer to the procedure for using the Detail mode.
Select Medical > All > Student > Immunizations.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
If there is no row for the vaccination, select the vaccination code in the blank row at the bottom of the list.
If the student is exempt for a vaccination, select the appropriate reason in the Exemption field.
Enter the date of each vaccination in the Dose 1 - Dose 5 fields. If you enter a date that is before the student's date of birth or before the licensing date, the system may prompt you to select the warning status. You can click Cancel to correct the date. If you select a warning status, the reason displays in the Warning Status column. For more information, refer to the field description for Dose 1 - Dose 5 fields.
If the student has more than 5 vaccination dates, select the vaccination in the blank row, and add the remaining dates.
Repeat Steps 3-6 until you have entered all vaccination information.
To validate immunizations when you save the student's data, select the appropriate options in the Save Options panel. Note that this panel is only available if your administrator has selected to use these features in the Medical Configuration.
Click Save. The system calculates the shot and series totals and, if you selected to run the Validate Immunizations option on save, the overall immunization status and the status for each immunization series.
Enter vaccination information in Detail mode
Use this procedure to enter vaccination information if the student has source documents, has referrals, or has had the disease. Otherwise, follow the procedure using the Summary mode.
Select Medical > All > Student > Immunizations.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
Click Detail at the top of the page.
Scroll to the panel for the vaccination, and enter vaccination information.
If the student is exempt for a vaccination, select the appropriate reason in the Exemption field.
Enter the date of each vaccination in the Vaccination Dates fields. If you enter a date that is before the student's date of birth or before the licensing date, the system may prompt you to select the warning status. You can click Cancel to correct the date. If you select a warning status, the reason displays in the Warning Status column. For more information, refer to the field description for Vaccination Date fields.
To add a referral, click (Additional options) on the vaccination's panel, and select Add Referral. Then enter referral information in the Referral Detail section that now displays at the bottom of the panel.
Repeat Steps 4-7 until you have entered all vaccination information.
To validate immunizations when you save the student's data, select the appropriate options in the Save Options panel. This panel is only available if your administrator has selected to use these features in the Medical Configuration.
Click Save. The system calculates the shot and series totals and, if you selected to run the Validate Immunizations option on save, the overall immunization status and the status for each immunization series.
Add an exemption for all vaccinations
Select Medical > All > Student > Immunizations.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
On the Overall Immunization Status panel, enter a check in the Override box, and set the Student Status to Ex - Exempt.
In the Student Exemption field, select the exemption reason.
Click Save. The system calculates the shot and series totals and, if you selected to run the Validate Immunizations option on save, the status for each immunization series.
Add an exemption for a vaccination
Select Medical > All > Student > Immunizations.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
On the Vaccination Summary panel, set the Exemption field to the student's exemption reason.
Click Save. The system calculates the shot and series totals and if you selected to run the Validate Immunizations option on save, the overall immunization status and the status for each immunization series. The series status for the vaccination will be set to EX - Exempt.
Indicate student had disease for vaccination
Select Medical > All > Student > Immunizations.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
Click Detail at the top of the page.
Scroll to the panel for the vaccination.
On the Details panel, select the Had Disease box, and enter the appropriate date.
Click Save. The system calculates the shot and series totals and if you selected to run the Validate Immunizations option on save, the overall immunization status and the status for each immunization series. The series status for the vaccination will be set to DS - Had Disease.
Student Information Bar
The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.
Save Options Panel
This panel only displays if the Medical Configuration is set up to allow the option to run Validate Immunizations on save. The panel displays in both Summary and Detail modes.
Run immunization calculation on save
Checked if the Validate Immunizations option should be run when you save the page. The calculation validates the student's immunizations to determine their status.
This field only displays if the Medical Configuration's Allow Option to Validate Immunizations on Save checkbox is selected.
Generate grace period alert
Checked if the Validate Immunizations option should generate email alerts for a student who is overdue for immunizations after the student's grace period has expired. The Medical Configuration determines whether the email is sent to an internal user and/or the student's guardians.
This field only displays if the Medical Configuration's Allow Option to Validate Immunizations on Save box is checked and Use Immunization Records Alerts box is checked.
Overall Immunization Status Panel
The student's overall status is displayed in the title of the panel to provide you with a quick way to see the status.
This panel displays in both Summary and Detail modes.
Status Section
Status Calculated
The date the Validate Immunizations option was last run for this student.
If checked, the Validate Immunizations option will not recalculate the student's vaccinations.
Student Status
The overall vaccination status of the student. The Validate Immunizations option sets the overall status based on the status for each vaccination for the student that is part of the requirements for that student. Possible statuses are:
EX - Exempt - the student has all series set to Exempt. CO - Complete - no further vaccinations needed; the student has fulfilled all requirements. MR - Meets Requirements - no vaccinations are needed at this time; however, there are additional doses that are required at a later date. IP - In Process - the student has at least one vaccination that has a dose due, but not overdue. The student does not have any vaccinations that have a status of Overdue or Insufficient Information. OV - Overdue - the student has at least one vaccination with a dose that is overdue or with no dates. IS - Insufficient Information - the student has at least one vaccination with a warning status set. NR - No Record - This status displays before the Validate Immunizations option has been run.
To override the status, check the Override box. Then the Student Status field is accessible.
The Validate Immunizations option allows you to select whether the status is calculated based on all series types for a student's criteria or on selected series types. If the status was calculated for selected series types, it is possible that a student's status could indicate the student meets requirements while an immunization series status is overdue.
Student Exemption
An overall exemption reason for the student, for example, if a student is exempt for religious reasons or medical reasons.
To enter an exemption, select the Override checkbox, and set the Student Status to EX - Exempt. Then the Student Exemption field is accessible.
Grace Period Panel
District Entry Date
The date on which the student entered the district. The system automatically enters the first enrollment date in the system, but you can manually update, if needed. This date is used if you defined criteria to validate vaccination requirements by the date of entry.
Grace Period Alert
Checked if the student is overdue for immunizations. The Validate Immunizations option will set this field to checked if the student's overall immunization status is Overdue.
Checked if the student's Grace Period Alert and Expiration Date values should not be updated by the Validate Immunizations option.
Expiration Date
Date that the student's grace period for immunizations expires. If the Validate Immunizations option has set this field, the expiration date is calculated based on the grace period settings in the Medical Configuration. The expiration date is calculated based on the student's first entry date for the district or the current year's first entry date.
Immunization records alerts are sent when the student's grace period has expired because the student still has time to meet immunization requirements.
The Medical Configuration determines whether the student's expiration date is automatically cleared when you remove the check from the Grace Period Alert field or when the Validate Immunizations option calculates the student to be compliant with immunization requirements.
Comments Section
Free text about the student's vaccinations. Character/255
Vaccination Summary Panel
This panel displays when you have selected the Summary mode.
Warning Status (Unlabeled field)
A warning code may display in front of the vaccination if one of the shot dates entered is a date before the student's date of birth (BB, for Before Birthdate) or before the licensing date (BL, for Before Licensing Date).
This column will never display if the Medical Configuration does not have the Force Warning on Invalid Dates box checked. If that box is not checked, you cannot save data when entering a date that is before the birthdate or before the licensing date.
The type of vaccination that the student received. Your district may have set up the most common vaccinations to display automatically; less common vaccinations can be selected from the drop-down list.
Series Status
The Validate Immunizations option sets the status for each vaccination that is part of the requirements for that student. Possible statuses are:
EX - Exempt - if an exemption code has been entered for a vaccination that is a series, the vaccination series has a status of Exempt. CO - Complete - no further vaccinations needed - the student has fulfilled all requirements for this vaccination. MR - Meets Requirements - no vaccinations are needed at this time; however, there are additional doses that are required at a later date. IP - In Process - the student is due for a dose, but not overdue. OV - Overdue - the student has a dose that is overdue. IS - Insufficient Information - the student has a warning status set. DS - Had Disease - the student has had the disease for this vaccination. N/A - Not Applicable - the student did not need this vaccination to fulfill his/her requirements. For example, the vaccination may be a shot that fills a series requirement, but is not itself a series. This status also displays if the Validate Immunizations option has not been run.
Series Total
If this vaccination is also a series, this field displays the number of doses that have been applied to the series. For example, if you have a series of DTaP, this may be fulfilled by a DTaP vaccination, a DT vaccination, or a Tetanus booster. If the vaccination is not a series, "N/A" displays in this field.
If you added shots for the series, this total is updated when you save.
Shots Total
The total number of doses of this vaccination the student has received.
If you added dates for the shot, this total is updated when you save.
Dose 1 - Dose 5
Date the student received a dose of this vaccination. To be valid, each date must be after the student's date of birth. The first five doses in ascending date order display in this panel; additional doses can be entered in the Detail mode.
If multiple vaccinations are given together to fulfill a dose of a series, the shots that display under the same date field column are counted together. For example, a Measles vaccination, a Mumps vaccination, and a Rubella vaccination can equate to one dose of MMR. The latest dose date in that date column is used for the series date.
The Medical Configuration may be defined to allow you to enter invalid dates with a warning. If you enter a date that is before the student's date of birth or before the licensing date, the system may prompt you to select the warning status. You can click Cancel to correct the date. If you select a warning status, the reason displays in the Warning Status column.
For example, if the date on the source document is before the student's date of birth, and you select to accept the invalid date, the system displays the Warning Status as "BB" Before Birthdate and sets the Ovr (Override) box to checked. Note that the Ovr checkbox displays in Detail mode, not Summary mode.
Select an exemption reason for the vaccination, such as Allergy or Medical.
Count of referrals for the vaccination. To view referrals, select the Detail mode.
Vaccination Panel
In Detail mode, a panel displays for the vaccinations that your district has defined to auto generate for all students, as well as any vaccinations that were added for the student in the Vaccination Summary panel. The code and description of the vaccination displays in the panel's title. If the vaccination is a series, the series status also displays in the panel's title.
If you need to add a vaccination for which a panel does not display, switch to Summary mode, and then add the vaccination in the blank row of the Vaccination Summary panel. After you save, the Detail mode will include a panel for the vaccination.
Click (Collapse) next to the Student Immunizations page title to collapse all panels. The collapsed view allows you to quickly see the vaccinations and series status information. Then you can expand the vaccination panel for which you want to enter information.
Doses Section
Vaccination Date
Each date field holds a date on which the student received a dose of this vaccination. The first five dates will display in the Vaccination Summary Panel which is displayed in Summary mode.
The Medical Configuration may be defined to allow you to enter invalid dates with a warning. If you enter a date that is before the student's date of birth or before the licensing date, the system may prompt you to select the warning status. You can click Cancel to correct the date. If you select a warning status, the reason displays in the Warning Status column.
For example, if the date on the source document is before the student's date of birth, and you select to accept the invalid date, the system displays the Warning Status as "BB" Before Birthdate and sets the Ovr (Override) box to checked. Note that the Ovr checkbox displays in Detail mode, not Summary mode.
Source Document
The type of source document the guardian provided for a shot.
Signed Document
Checked if the source document was signed by the appropriate person for state purposes.
Code indicating if a vaccination was entered with a date before the student's date of birth (BB, for Before Birthdate) or before the licensing date (BL, for Before Licensing Date).
This column will not display if the Medical Configuration does not have the Force Warning on Invalid Dates box checked. If that box is not checked, you cannot save data when entering a date that is before the birthdate or before the licensing date.
Ovr (Override)
Checked if this shot should be considered valid even if there is a warning status. This column will not display if the Medical Configuration does not have the Force Warning on Invalid Dates box checked. If that box is not checked, you cannot save data when entering a date that is before the birthdate or before the licensing date.
Series Section
This section displays if the vaccination is set up as a series.
The dates of doses that can be applied to this series.
If a series dose is fulfilled by an alternate dose that includes multiple vaccinations, the dose date for the series will be the date of the vaccination that was given last. For example, if MMR can be filled by dose 1 of ME - Measles given 9/15/2008, MU - Mumps given 9/15/2008, and RU - Rubella given 10/20/2008, the dose date for MMR would be 10/20/2008.
Series Status
The Validate Immunizations option sets the status for each vaccination series that is part of the requirements for that student. Possible statuses are:
EX - Exempt - if an exemption code has been entered for a vaccination that is a series, the vaccination series has a status of Exempt. CO - Complete - no further vaccinations needed; the student has fulfilled all requirements for this vaccination. MR - Meets Requirements - no vaccinations are needed at this time; however, there are additional doses that are required at a later date. IR - In Process - the student is due for a dose, but not overdue. OV - Overdue - the student has at least one dose that is overdue. IS - Insufficient Information - the student has a warning status set. DS - Disease - the student has had the disease for this vaccination. NA - Not Applicable - the student did not need this vaccination to fulfill his/her requirements; the Validate Immunizations option has not been run; or the shot is not a series.
To override this status, check the Override box in this section. Then the Series Status field is accessible.
Checked if you set the Series Status manually and do not want the Validate Immunizations option to recalculate the status.
Details Section
Select the exemption reason for the vaccination, such as an allergy. If you enter an exemption and save, the Series Status field is set to Ex - Exempt.
Had Disease
Checked if the student had the disease, rather than a shot. If you check this box and save, the student's Series Status is set to display the DS - Had Disease.
The date on which the student had the disease.
This field is accessible if the Had Disease box is checked.
Free text about the vaccination. Character/255
Alternate Doses Section
This section displays only if other vaccinations can fulfill the requirement for this vaccination series (defined using the Alternate Doses option). A separate section displays for each alternate dose.
Vaccination Code
The alternate vaccination that the student received, if any.
Vaccination Dates
The dates on which the student received doses of this alternate vaccination.
Referral Detail Section
This section displays if a referral has been entered for the vaccination. To add a referral, click (Additional options), and then select Add Referral to display the Referral Detail section. Enter the referral information in the blank row.
Referral Code
The code describing the type of referral.
Referral Date
The date on which the referral was made.
Followup Code
The code indicating what kind of follow-up was made.
Followup Date
The date on which the follow-up information was received. For example, a student was referred to the ophthalmologist on 12/1/2010. The ophthalmologist examines the student on 12/15/2015 and sends a note indicating that the student needs glasses. Because the note was received by the nurse's office on 12/20/2015, you would enter 12/20/2015.
Doctor's Name
The name of the doctor who provided care. Character/255
Referral Comments
Comments about the referral. Character/255
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
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