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Set up Classwork/Assignments for Home Access

Your district can use HAC to list students' course and student competency group assignments. The assignments, which originate in Teacher Access Center's Gradebook, can display in three different pages in HAC: Classwork, Calendar, and Week View. They can also be viewed in eSchoolPlus in the Classwork page (Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > Classwork).

Allowing guardians and students to view course assignments

Home Access Center Building Configuration

Administration > HAC Setup > Setup > HAC Building Configuration > click Building link

For each building, in the Configuration panel's Classwork section, check the following boxes as needed for guardians, students, or both:

  • Show Class Assignments
  • Default Classwork View
  • Show Class Averages
  • Include Unpublished Scores in Student Averages
  • Show Attachments for Classes and Assignments
  • Hide the Percentage Column in the Classwork Course Grid
  • Show Last Date Classwork Updated in Header

The following fields in the Configuration panel's Week View section also need to be completed if your district wants assignments to display in HAC's Week View page:

  • Show Week View
  • Show Scheduled Courses
  • Show Student Competencies

Note that additional fields related to assignments are covered under the Classwork/Assignment Averages topic.

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