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Set up Classwork/Assignment Averages for Home Access

On this page:

Your district has the option of including averages from assignments with courses listed in HAC's Classwork and Week View pages, as well as in pop-up windows that display for marks in the Report Card page.

Allowing assignment averages to display for guardians and students

Home Access Center Building Configuration

Administration > HAC Setup > Setup > HAC Building Configuration > click Building link

For each building, in the Configuration panel's Classwork section, complete the following fields as needed for guardians, students, or both. Note that additional fields related to class assignments in this section are covered in the Classwork/Assignments topic.

  • Overall Average Mark Type
  • Hide the Overall Average on the Course Classwork Page
  • Hide Overall Score on the Competency Classwork Page
  • Show Classwork Average in Header*
  • Header Average Mark Type*
  • Display Percentage or Mark*
  • Short Description of Average*
  • Short Description of Tooltip Narrative for Average*
    * These fields  also are used to display assignment averages on the Week View page and Report Card pop-ups.
    In addition, for each building, in the Configuration panel's Week View section, check the following box as needed for guardians, students, or both:
  • Show Average Mark Type in Week View

Enabling email alerts for assignment averages and Gradebook

Home Access Center Building Configuration

Administration > HAC Setup > Setup > HAC Building Configuration > click Building link

For each building, in the Email Alerts panel's Gradebook Alerts and Course Average Alerts sections:

  • Check the Send to Guardians and Send to Students boxes as needed.
  • Complete the additional fields in each section to specify the frequency and content of the alerts.

For each building:

  • Check the Send Coursework Average Alerts box for guardians, students, or both.
  • Complete the Coursework Average Alerts section's additional fields to specify the frequency and content of the alerts.
  • To send an email to teachers when alerts are sent, check the Send to Teachers checkbox.
  • Check the Send Gradebook Alerts box for guardians, students, or both.
  • Complete the Gradebook Alerts section's additional fields to specify the frequency and content of the alerts.

Additional Requirements

  • Assignment averages only display on the Week View page if the following configuration boxes are checked in the Configuration panel's Week View section: Show Scheduled Courses and Show Student Competencies.
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