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Security Access for the Master Schedule Page

On this page:

All users who need to view the Master Schedule must have at least Read access to the Master Schedule page, but you can limit a user's ability to edit sections of the page by only granting Read/Write access to those sections. Additionally, the Master Schedule page requires override resources to allow users to change mark reporting and scheduling information for courses where student schedules and mark reporting records exist.

Security Resources Related to the Master Schedule



Page Access

SCHD MAINT MASTERSCHD (Access to current and next year records)

SCHD MAINTPY MASTERSCHD (Access to prior year records)

Section Access

SCHD MAINT MASTERSCHDO (Access to Scheduling Information fields)

SCHD MAINT MASTERGEN (Access to General Information fields)

SCHD MAINT MASTERATT (Access to attendance-related fields)

SCHD MAINT MASTERMRK (Access to Mark Reporting fields)

SCHD MAINT MASTERSTRO (Access to staff and room fields)

SCHD MAINT MASTERHQT (Access to Teacher Qualification field)

Additional Features

  • Edit mark reporting fields after students have mark reporting records - SCHD MAINT OVRMRMS
  • Edit scheduling fields for courses that are scheduled - SCHD MAINT OVRMSCHD
  • Delete Master Schedule sessions - SCHD MAINT MASTERDEL
  • Edit Alternate Language Descriptions - SCHD MAINT MASTERGEN or SCHD MAINT MASTERSCHD with Read/Write
  • View Class List - SCHD MAINT CLASSLIST

Master Schedule Mass Update requires SCHD MAINT MASTERSCHD Read/Write access. The mass update does not allow a user with limited Master Schedule access to update the Master Schedule.

Illustrations of Section Access Resources

The following images illustrate how the security resources control access to fields on the Master Schedule. The text boxes describe the resources required to access the covered fields.

Resources for Section Information Panel

Resources for Session Information Panel

Grant access to Current and Next Year Master Schedules

To allow a user to:

Assign the following resources:

Add a current or next year Master Schedule course-section.


  • SCHD MAINT MASTERSCHD with Read/Write access
  • SCHD MAINT MASTERSCHD with Read access and
    SCHD MAINT MASTERSTRO (Staff and Room Information) with Read/Write access and
    SCHD MAINT MASTERSCHDO (Scheduling Information with Read/Write access

    You may also grant the user access to other sections, but you must grant at least the access listed above.

Edit current and next year Master Schedule fields.

SCHD MAINT MASTERSCHD with Read/Write access

Note that Scheduling and Mark Reporting fields will be disabled if student records exist for the course-section.

Edit some current and next year Master Schedule fields, but not all.

SCHD MAINT MASTERSCHD with Read access and

Appropriate Section Access resource (refer to the Security Resources Related to the Master Schedule table) with Read/Write access

Note that Scheduling and Mark Reporting fields will be disabled if student records exist for the course-section.

Edit scheduling fields for courses where students are scheduled.


  • SCHD MAINT MASTERSCHD with Read/Write access and
    SCHD MAINT OVRMSCHD with Read/Write access
  • SCHD MAINT MASTERSCHD with Read access and
    SCHD MAINT MASTERSCHDO with Read/Write access and
    SCHD MAINT OVRMSCHD with Read/Write access

Edit mark reporting fields for courses where students have mark reporting records.


  • SCHD MAINT MASTERSCHD with Read/Write access and
    SCHD MAINT OVRMRMS with Read/Write access
  • SCHD MAINT MASTERSCHD with Read access and
    SCHD MAINT MASTERSCHDO with Read/Write access and
    SCHD MAINT OVRMRMS with Read/Write access

Grant Access to the Master Schedule for Prior Years


When transfer courses are created for students using the Transcript Summary page, Master Schedule records are created for the courses. Unless the users need to update course-section information from the Master Schedule page, users who add and update transfer courses do not need to have security for the Master Schedule page.

Users with MR MAINT TRNCRMSNT Read/Write access will be able to add transfer courses from the Transcript Summary and update the course by accessing Master Schedule Course Information from the Mark Reporting Detail page. Note that the user must also have MR MAINT STUMARKS access for the transfer building.

To allow a user to:

Assign the following resources:

Add prior Master Schedule course-section.


  • SCHD MAINTPY MASTERSCHD with Read/Write access
  • SCHD MAINTPY MASTERSCHD with Read access and
    SCHD MAINT MASTERSTRO (Staff and Room Information) with Read/Write access and
    SCHD MAINT MASTERSCHDO (Scheduling Information with Read/Write access
    You may also grant the user access to other sections, but you must grant at least the access listed above.

Edit prior year course Master Schedule information.

SCHD MAINTPY MASTERSCHD with Read/Write access

Note that Scheduling and Mark Reporting fields will be disabled if student records exist for the course-section.

Edit some prior year course Master Schedule information, but not all.

SCHD MAINTPY MASTERSCHD with Read access and

Appropriate Section Access resource (refer to the Security Resources Related to the Master Schedule table) with Read/Write access

Note that Scheduling and Mark Reporting fields will be disabled if student records exist for the course-section.

Edit scheduling fields for courses where students are scheduled.


  • SCHD MAINTPY MASTERSCHD with Read/Write access and
    SCHD MAINT OVRMSCHD with Read/Write access
  • SCHD MAINTPY MASTERSCHD with Read access and
    SCHD MAINT MASTERSCHDO with Read/Write access and
    SCHD MAINT OVRMSCHD with Read/Write access

Edit mark reporting fields for courses where students have mark reporting records.


  • SCHD MAINTPY MASTERSCHD with Read/Write access and
    SCHD MAINT OVRMRMS with Read/Write access
  • SCHD MAINTPY MASTERSCHD with Read access and
    SCHD MAINT MASTERSCHDO with Read/Write access and
    SCHD MAINT OVRMRMS with Read/Write access
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