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Run Options (Report Scheduling)

Use the Run options to schedule when a report should run. Some reports can be scheduled to be run once immediately or by setting a date and time to run the report; while other reports can be set up to run daily, weekly, or monthly.

Note: Not all reports have the same run options. You can enter times and dates either by keying in the values or by selecting the values using the Date/Time Stamp and Calendar buttons.

Scheduling reports

  1. Select the appropriate option in the Run panel.

    NowSelect to run the report immediately, rather than scheduling it.
    Select to set up one specific time and date.
    Time: Enter the time that the report should run.
    Date: Enter the date that the report should run.
    DailySelect to run either once a day or once every few days.
    Time: Enter the time that the report should run.
    Interval: Enter 1 to run every day. Enter a higher number to run every nth day; for example, 2 to run every other day.

    Select to run either once a day or once every few days.
    Time: Enter the time that the report should run.
    Interval: Enter 1 to run every week. Enter a higher number to run every nth week; for example, 2 to run every other week.
    Days of the week: Check the day of the week that the report should run. You can check multiple days, if desired, for example, Monday and Friday.


    Time: Enter the time that the report should run.
    Day of the Month: Enter the day number on which the report should run.

  2. Click Run.
  3. View details about the scheduled and running tasks and reports in the following ways:
    • To display Running Tasks, Scheduled Tasks, and a list of the Reports on the Tasks and Reports page, click the Tasks/Reports button on the Navigation bar.
    • To display Running Tasks and Recent Reports in a dropdown panel, click the Tasks/Reports drop-down on the Navigation bar.
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