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Run Options (Report Scheduling)

Use the Run options to schedule when a report should run. Some reports can be scheduled to be run once immediately or by setting a date and time to run the report; while other reports can be set up to run daily, weekly, or monthly.

Note: Not all reports have the same run options.

Tip: You can enter times and dates either by keying in the values or by selecting the values using the Date/Time Stamp and Calendar buttons.

Scheduling reports:

  1. Select the appropriate option in the Run panel.

    NowSelect to run the report immediately, rather than scheduling it.
    Select to set up one specific time and date.
    Time: Enter the time that the report should run.
    Date: Enter the date that the report should run.
    DailySelect to run either once a day or once every few days.
    Time: Enter the time that the report should run.
    Interval: Enter 1 to run every day. Enter a higher number to run every nth day; for example, 2 to run every other day.

    Select to run either once a day or once every few days.

    Time: Enter the time that the report should run.
    Interval: Enter 1 to run every week. Enter a higher number to run every nth week; for example, 2 to run every other week.
    Days of the week: Check the day of the week that the report should run. You can check multiple days, if desired, for example, Monday and Friday.


    Time: Enter the time that the report should run.
    Day of the Month: Enter the day number on which the report should run.

  2. Click Run.
  3. View details about the scheduled and running tasks and reports in the following ways:
    • To display Running Tasks, Scheduled Tasks, and a list of the Reports on the Tasks and Reports page, click the Tasks/Reports button on the Navigation bar.
    • To display Running Tasks and Recent Reports in a dropdown panel, click the Tasks/Reports drop-down on the Navigation bar.
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