Use this page to enter marks, comments, and absences for report cards for students in a course-section.
Enter report card information for a course
Select Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Office > Report Card by Course.
In the Selections panel, select the course and report card run.
Click Load to display the students for the selected course.
In the Students panel, enter the marks, comments, and absences for students as needed. Tip To move down to the next student, press Ctrl+Down Arrow. To move up to the previous student, press Ctrl+Up Arrow.
If necessary, add students who are not scheduled to attend the course, but who should receive report card information. In the blank row at the bottom of the page, enter the student by student ID or name. As needed, use the search to find the student.
To enter free text notes for students, click the Students panel's (Additional options), and then select Change Display Options. On the drop-down that slides down, select the Free Text Comments checkbox, and then click OK. Enter comment text as needed for students.
Click Save.
To enter data for another course, click (Cancel), and then repeat Steps 2-7.
Enter report card information for the course's competencies
Select Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Office > Report Card by Course.
In the Selections panel, select the course and report card run.
Click Load to display the students for the selected course.
In the Students panel, click (Expand) for the student to display the course's competency groups.
Click (Expand) to display the competency group's competencies.
Enter the student's mark and comment information.
To enter competency marks and comments for another group, repeat Steps 5-6.
To enter competency marks and comments for another student, repeat Steps 4-7.
Click Save.
To enter data for another course, click (Cancel), and then repeat Steps 2-9.
Run Scheduling/RC Synchronization for course
Select Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Office > Report Card by Course.
In the Selections panel, select the course and report card run.
Click Load to display the students for the selected course.
On the Students panel, click (Additional options), and then select Scheduling Synchronization.
On the Scheduling/RC Synchronization window, specify how to run the calculation.
To create the data file without deleting the invalid mark reporting information, leave the Delete Invalid Marks checkbox unchecked.
To delete the invalid mark reporting information and create the data file, select the Delete Invalid Marks checkbox.
Click Run.
When the task completes, use the Tasks/Reports option to review the CSV data file for the synchronization. If no CSV file is created, there may have been no invalid marks to delete. For more information on the data file that is created, refer to Scheduling/RC Synchronization CSV File.
If you selected to not delete invalid marks in Step 5 and the data file listed invalid mark reporting information, you must run the Scheduling/RC Synchronization again and select to delete the information. If there was mark reporting information listed that should not be deleted, make sure you have corrected the scheduling information before you run the Scheduling/RC Synchronization again for the student.
Selections Panel
Use the fields in this panel to select the course and report card run.
Select the building where the course meets.
RC Run
Select the report card run for report card entry.
If the building has multiple marking periods associated with a report card run, select the appropriate marking period. The marking period is listed in parenthesis following the report card run number. For example, to enter marks for W2 (Wheel duration 2) which is in run 1, select 1 (MP: W2).
In these fields, enter the course and section or click Search to display the Course Search window. On this window, you can enter search criteria and click Load to find matching course-sections. To select a course-section, double click it.
Course Information Fields (Unlabeled)
The course information fields display after you select a course-section.
Displays the scheduling periods for the selected course-section.
Displays the description for the selected course-section.
Displays the primary staff assigned to the selected course-section.
Cycle Days
Displays the cycle days for the selected course-section.
Marking Periods
Displays the marking periods for the selected course-section.
Students Panel
Use this panel to enter marks, comments, and absences for students. The panel also allows you to enter free text comments. Additionally, if the course is associated with competencies, you can enter marks and comments for the competencies.
To display:
Marks, Comments, and Absence fields
Click the Students panel's (Additional options), and then select Change Display Options. On the drop-down that slides down, select the Marks, Comments, Absences checkbox, and then click OK.
Free Text Comments field
Click the Students panel's (Additional options), and then select Change Display Options. On the drop-down that slides down, select the Free Text Comments checkbox, and then click OK.
This option displays if the building has selected to use free text comments for report cards.
District-defined page
Click the Students panel's (Additional options), and then select Change Display Options. On the drop-down that slides down, select the appropriate checkbox, and then click OK.
Competency marks and comments
Click (Expand) for a student. The icon only displays if there are competency groups associated with the course.
When you expand the competency details, a list of the competency groups associated with the course display. To enter marks or comments for a competency group, click the competency group's (Expand) icon.
This panel initially allows you to scroll records within a grid.
To change the display so that records scroll on the page, click (Additional options), then select Scroll on Page.
To return to the grid, click (Additional options), then select Scroll in Grid.
Student ID
Student ID for student enrolled in the course-section.
In the blank row at the bottom of the list, you can add a student by ID or name. When you add a student to the list, the student receives mark reporting information without being scheduled into the course. The student's report card status for the course will be N - Non-Scheduled.
Student Name
Student name for student enrolled in the course-section.
In the blank row at the bottom of the list, you can add a student by ID or name. You can click Search to display Student Search window. On this window, you can search for students, select a displayed student in the Students section of the dialog, and click OK to add the student to the Students panel.
When you add a student to the list, the student receives mark reporting information without being scheduled into the course. The student's report card status for the course will be N - Non-Scheduled.
Columns display for the mark types for which the student can earn grades in the selected marking period.
Mark types that are issued once per course are always displayed.
Ovr (Override)
Checked if you want to prevent teachers from loading a mark from Gradebook in Teacher Access Center and prevent the Mark Averages Calculation from posting a different mark for the student.
When the Ovr checkbox is selected, the Ovr label displays as a link you can click to display the Mark Override Reason window. On the window, you can select a reason for the override and/or enter a comment up to 255 characters explaining the override. when you are done entering override information, click OK to close the window.
To see the reason or comment that may have been entered for an override, move your mouse cursor over the Ovr link to display a tooltip. If no tooltip displays, then no reason or comment were entered.
Columns display for the comment types for which the student can receive comments.
Columns display for the absence types for which absences are stored for report cards. Absence columns may display for absences for the current marking period and for year-to-date.
Absence information can be transferred from the Attendance package using the Transfer Class Attendance to RC option.
This field may be disabled. The MR Building Configuration can be configured so attendance totals are displayed, but cannot be changed.
Free Text Comments
Enter comments related to the student's performance in the course.
To display this field, click (Additional options), and then select Change Display Options. On the drop-down that slides down, select the Free Text Comments checkbox, and then click OK.
Your building's Mark Reporting Configuration determines whether free text comments can be entered. If free text comments cannot be entered, then the Change Display Options will not include an option to display the field. The configuration also defines the maximum number of characters that can be used in a comment.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
You can only delete records for students who have mark reporting records, but were not scheduled for the course. In this case, the student has a report card status of N - Non-Scheduled for the course.
Expanded Competencies Detail Section
Use the fields in this section to enter marks and comments for course competencies. To display the competency fields, click (Expand) for a student. The icon only displays if there are competency groups associated with the course.
When you expand the competency details, a list of the competency groups associated with the course display. To enter marks or comments for a competency group, click the competency group's (Expand) icon.
The competency group header includes the group's description and text to indicate if overrides have been entered for the competency group.
Name of the competency being assessed.
Columns display for the mark types for which the student can earn grades in the selected marking period.
The grading scale that is available for a competency is selected in the Competency Setup option.
Ovr (Override)
If checked, the override prevents teachers from loading the mark from Gradebook in Teacher Access Center.
Comment the student received for this comment type for the marking period.
The comment codes which are available for a comment type are based on your building's setup.
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