If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
On the Search Results panel, click the view's link.
In the View Definition panel, click (Additional options), and then select Show Available Fields.
Click the browser's Back button to return to eSchoolPlus.
View Definition Panel
These fields identify the progress report setup. You can define a setup for each grade or use the same view for all grades.
Select the building that uses the progress view setup.
If the setup should be used for students in a specific grade, select the grade. Otherwise, select DF (Default) to define the view to use for grades that do not have a setup defined.
Use Default Template
Checked if the progress report setup uses the default template for the report.
To alter the standard progress report template, clear this checkbox. Then download the default template and use the Template Editor to make changes to the template.
Report Template
If you selected not to use the default template, specify the name of the template to use.
To edit the default template, download the Template Editor and the default template to your PC. Use the Template Editor to change the template. Make sure to save the template with a unique name.
To upload a template, click (Upload Records). Then, use the Upload Template File window to browse and select the file to upload. After the file is selected, click OK to upload the file to the eSchoolPlus server.
General Panel
Print Dropped Courses
Checked if courses dropped before the progress run date should be printed on the report.
Print Legend
Checked if a comment description legend should be printed.
Print Courses from Other Buildings
Checked if courses scheduled in another building should be printed for students enrolled in the building.
Mark/Comments/Absences Panel
The fields in this panel define the mark, comment, and class absence fields to print on the progress report.
Number indicating the order that the mark, comment, or absence type should be printed or displayed.
Title to print above the column. Character/5
Indicates if the column should display mark, comment or absence information. Select:
A - Absence - to display the value for an absence type. C - Comment - to display the value for a comment type. M - Mark - to display the value for a mark type.
The type of mark, comment, or absence to display. You can select from a list based on the selected Type.
Add Code
If the same title can apply to multiple codes that are issued within the same duration, click Add in the Add Code column and add another row for the order. If the student does not have the first mark specified for the column, the Generate Progress Data Warehouse then selects the second mark specified.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
Attendance Panel
The fields in this panel define the attendance totals to print on the report. These totals are based on the interval totals calculated for day total records. Use the Attendance View Setup (Administration > Attendance Setup > Setup > Attendance View Setup) and Attendance Intervals (Administration > Attendance Setup > Setup > Attendance Intervals) options to gather the information needed to specify the attendance totals to print.
Number indicating the order that this attendance total should display.
Attendance View
Select the attendance view for the total to display.
The description to print for the attendance total. Character/255
Current Interval
The interval for current attendance on the report. For example, in marking period 3, this could be MP3.
YTD (Year-to-Date) Intervals
The attendance intervals that should be summed together to give the year-to-date total on the report.
Sum By
Indicates whether sums should be based on an attendance code, state group, or district group for the selected attendance view.
C - Code - to select the attendance to include in the total based on an attendance code. D - District Group - to select the attendance to include in the total based on a district group. S - State Group - to select the attendance to include in the total based on a state group. Make sure the attendance intervals selected in the Current Interval and YTD Intervals fields are also defined to sum by the option you select for this field. Use the Attendance Intervals (Administration > Attendance Setup > Setup > Attendance Intervals) option to check how the intervals are defined.
Code Group
The code or group to display for the attendance total.
Progress Report Text Panel
Header Text
Free text to print at the top of the report. Character/255
Footer Text
Free text to print at the bottom of the report. Character/255
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