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Progress Report Summary Page

On this page:

Use this page to view a summary of the progress report information for a student. The information included on this page, which is set up by your building administrator, can include marks, comments, and absence totals.

View a student's progress report summary

  1. Select Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > Progress Report Summary.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
  3. In the Progress Report Dates panel, select the progress date to view in the field next to the Existing Progress Report Dates option.

Enter progress information for a defined progress date

  1. Select Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > Progress Report Summary.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
  3. In the Progress Report Dates panel, select the progress date to view in the field next to the Existing Progress Report Dates option.
  4. Click the course description link for the course.
  5. On the Progress Report Detail page, enter the mark, comment, absence, and free text note to report for the student's progress in the course.
  6. Click Save.
  7. To return to the Progress Report Summary, click Back.

Add a progress report for an individual date

  1. Select Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > Progress Report Summary.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
  3. In the Progress Report Dates panel, select the New Individual Progress Report option.
  4. Enter the date to use for the progress report.
  5. Click Show Courses.
  6. Click the course description link for the course.
  7. On the Progress Report Detail page, enter the mark, comment, absence, and free text note to report for the student's progress in the course.
  8. Click Save.
  9. To return to the Progress Report Summary, click Back.

View a course's progress report history

  1. Select Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > Progress Report Summary.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
  3. Click
    (Expand) next to the course you want to view history for.
  4. To open the Progress Report Detail page to view the free text note or other detail for a progress date, click the date link.

Delete progress report information

  1. Select Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > Progress Report Summary.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
  3. In the Progress Report Dates panel, select the progress date to view in the field next to the Existing Progress Report Dates option.
  4. Click the course description link for the course you want to delete progress information for.
  5. Click
  6. Click Yes.


Student Information Bar

The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.

Progress Report Dates Panel



Existing Progress Report Dates

Select this option to view or enter a progress report for an existing progress report date for the student. When you select a date from the date field, the courses active on the date are displayed.

New Individual Progress Report

Select this option if you want to add progress information for a student on a date other than the existing progress report dates. After you select this option, enter the desired date and click Show Courses. The list of active courses for the date displays. Progress records are created for the date only when you enter information for a course.

For more information, refer to Overview of Progress Dates.

Courses Panel

If a student has progress records in multiple buildings for this date, each building displays in a separate panel.



Progress Report Date

Date of the displayed progress report.

Individual Progress Report

Indicates if the progress data shown was entered for a standard progress report run or an individual progress report date.

Yes - Records for the date were created as an individual progress report.
No - This is a standard progress reporting date.


Description of the course. Click this link to view the Progress Report Detail page.


Course-section code.

Progress Report Detail Columns (Building-defined labels)

Columns display for the mark, comment, and/or absence information for the progress report record. The columns and labels that display are defined in the Progress View Setup option by your building administrator.

  • Marks - Displays the mark, if entered, for a mark type.
  • Comments - Displays the comment, if entered, for a comment type. To display the comment description, click the course's description link to open the detail page. To view free text comments for a course, click the course's description link, which opens the detail page.
  • Absences - Displays the absence total, if entered or transferred, for an absence type. Absence information can be transferred from Attendance using the Transfer Class Attendance option or entered in Mark Reporting or Teacher Access Center. If attendance was transferred, the total reflects absences for the marking period up to the progress reporting date.

Progress Report History Rows


(Expand) next the course to display its progress reporting history. When you expand the history, the student's previous progress records for the course are displayed.

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