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Progress Report Detail Page

Use this page to view or enter detailed progress report information for a course-section. The information included on this page, which is set up by your building administrator, can include marks, comments, and absence totals, as well as free-text notes.

To access this page, display the Progress Report Summary Page.


Student Information Bar

The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.

Course Panel

The course code and description display in the panel's title.




The building where the student is taking the course.


The primary teacher of the course.

Progress Report Date

Date of the progress reporting record. This page displays the record for the date displayed on the Progress Report Summary page when the course was selected.

Individual Progress Report

Yes - the progress reporting record is for a date that is specified as an individual progress date.
No - the progress reporting record is for a date that is a progress reporting date defined for the building.


Free-text section to enter notes or comments about the student's progress. Character/Unlimited

Marks Panel

Rows display for the mark types available for Progress Reports.




Code for the mark type.


Student's mark for the mark type.

Depending on your district requirements, marks may be entered manually or loaded from Gradebook.

Comments Panel

Rows display for the comment types for which the student can receive comments for progress reporting.




Code for the comment type.


Student's comment for the comment type.

Depending on your district requirements, marks may be entered manually or loaded from Gradebook.

Absences Panel

Rows display for the absence types for which you store absences for progress reporting.




Code for the absence type.


Student's class absence total for the absence type.

Absence information can be transferred from the Attendance package using the Transfer Class Attendance option to PR (Progress Reports) or entered in Mark Reporting or Teacher Access Center. If attendance was transferred, the total reflects absences for the marking period up to the progress date.

Ovr (Override)

If checked, the total entered will override the total calculated by the Transfer Class Attendance to PR option.

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