Use this page to enter marks, comments, and absences for progress reporting for students in a course-section.
Enter progress information for a course
Select Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Office > Progress Report by Course.
In the Selections panel, select the course and progress report run.
Click Load to display the students for the selected course.
In the Progress Entry by Course panel, enter the marks, comments, and absences for students as needed. You do not have to enter information for all students. If a field is required, you must enter a value for the required field if you entered other progress data for the student. If you selected the Individual Progress Flag checkbox, then you must select the Individual checkbox for the students for whom you are entering progress. Tip To move down to the next student, press Ctrl+Down Arrow. To move up to the previous student, press Ctrl+Up Arrow.
To enter free text notes for students, click the Progress Entry by Course panel's (Additional options), and then select Toggle Notes. Then enter notes as needed.
To delete the progress data entered for a student, select the (Delete) checkbox.
Click Save.
To enter progress data for another course, click (Cancel), and then repeat Steps 2-7.
Selections Panel
Use the fields in this panel to select the course and progress date.
Select the building where the course meets.
Individual Progress Flag
Checked if you are entering progress reporting information for a non-standard progress run date. For information on the effect of entering individual runs, refer to Overview of Progress Dates.
Progress Run Date
Select the date for the progress run.
If you selected the Individual Progress Flag checkbox, then enter the progress date to report.
In these fields, enter the course and section or click Search to display the Course Search window. On this window, you can enter search criteria and click Load to find matching course-sections. To select a course-section, double click it.
Course Information Fields (Unlabeled)
The course information fields display after you select a course-section.
Displays the scheduling periods for the selected course-section.
Displays the description for the selected course-section.
Displays the primary staff assigned to the selected course-section.
Cycle Days
Displays the cycle days for the selected course-section.
Marking Periods
Displays the marking periods for the selected course-section.
Progress Entry by Course Panel
Use this panel to enter marks, comments, and absences for students. To display free text notes fields in this panel, click (Additional options), and then select Toggle Notes.
Student ID
Student ID for student enrolled in the course-section.
Student Name
Student name for student enrolled in the course-section.
Checked if the student should have a record created for the selected individual progress date. This checkbox only displays when you are entering information for an individual IPR run.
Columns display for the mark types for which the student can earn grades for progress reports. Mark columns only display if your building administrator defined mark types for progress reports.
Columns display for the comment types for which the student can receive comments. Comment columns only display if your building administrator defined comment types for progress reports.
Columns display for the absence types for which you store absences for progress reports. Absence columns only display if your building administrator defined absence types for interim progress reports.
Absence information can be transferred from the Attendance package using the Transfer Class Attendance to PR option. If attendance is transferred, the total reflects absences for the marking period up to the progress date.
This field may be disabled. The MR Building Configuration can be configured so attendance totals are displayed, but cannot be changed.
Free-text notes for the student. Character/Unlimited
To display this field, click (Additional options), and then select Toggle Notes.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
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