Use this page to complete the options for generating report cards, progress reports, or transcripts. The Mark Reporting Checklists page helps ensure that the required tasks are run in the proper order. It also tracks the tasks to let you know which options have already been run. For information on adding or updating checklists, refer to the Checklist Setup Detail Page.
Generate report cards, progress reports, or transcripts using a checklist
Select Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Office > Mark Reporting Checklist.
If needed, select a the appropriate building, select the checklist, and then click Load.
If you wish to clear previous history for this checklist, click (Additional options), and select Clear All. This clears values in the Last Run, Run By, and Done fields.
Click the link for the checklist's task. If the Task field displays ----- Other Task -----, then the Note field will provide direction on the step.
Complete the task's processing page, then click Run.
When the process finishes, review the log generated to check for errors. If any errors occurred, make the necessary corrections, and re-run the task.
Select Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Office > Mark Reporting Checklist to return to the Checklist page. The Done checkbox for the task you just ran will be selected.
If the Task column displays ----- Other Task -----, select the Done checkbox to indicate the task in the Note column was completed.
Run the next task by clicking its link.
If you decide to re-start the entire process, return to Step 3 and clear the checklist history.
Repeat Steps 4-9 until all tasks are completed.
Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to view task status and retrieve reports.
Prompts Panel
To search for and display a checklist in the Checklist Detail panel, select values for the Building and Checklist fields, and click Load.
The building of the students whose report cards, progress reports, or transcripts you are generating. When a task is selected, the building from the checklist defaults to the option's processing page.
The checklist identifier.
General Notes
Notes regarding the checklist.
Checklist Detail Panel
Identifies an option used in processing report cards, progress reports, or transcripts. The checklist's tasks display as links, except when the text ----- Other Task ----- displays. In this case, the action you should take is specified in the Note field.
Clicking a link displays the option's processing page. After completing the page and running the process, review the log generated to confirm the option ran properly. If so, return to the Mark Reporting Checklists page to select the next task.
Note regarding the option. If the Task field displays ----- Other Task -----, the Note field will direct you regarding the action to take.
Last Run
Date and time indicating when the checklist task was last run. These values display when the Done checkbox is selected.
Run By
The user name of the person who last ran the checklist task. The user name displays when the Done checkbox is selected.
Checked if the task on the current row has been run. The system enters a checkmark in the box after you run an option using its checklist link. If the task does not have a link, it displays as ----- Other Task -----. In this case, check the row's Done box after completing the task to keep track of your progress.
You can clear the box for individual tasks that you need to re-run. If you decide to restart the process, click (Additional options), and select Clear All.
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