Use this page to create a checklist of options for generating report cards, progress reports, or transcripts. A checklist should include all tasks involved in completing the required processing. Most likely, the configurations and other setups will have already been completed, though you should verify this with your system administrator.
The purpose of a checklist is to ensure that all processes are run in the proper order. The tasks on a checklist include links the user can click to display the related processing pages. In addition, checklist items can be district defined. These items, which appear without links on the Checklist page, can be added for directing users to run options that are not available in the setup page or to perform actions independent of the software, such as obtaining approvals or verifying that teachers have entered their grades.
After completing a task, the user can return to the checklist page for the next task. The system tracks the overall progress by placing a checkmark in each task's Done box on the Mark Reporting Checklists Page after the task is completed.
Because checklists are tied to specific buildings, you must create a separate checklist for each building that will be using a particular set of processes. To facilitate the setup, a Click Copy icon is provided to enable you to copy an existing checklist, apply different settings, and if needed, modify its list of tasks.
If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
Click Click Save.
To confirm the delete, click Yes on the confirmation prompt. Otherwise, click No.
Definition - Mark Reporting Panel
Building for the checklist. Select a code from the field's drop-down list.
Because checklists are tied to specific buildings, a separate checklist must be set up for each building. Similarly, if a report card run applies, then separate checklists should be set up for each building and report card run combination.
Checklist Code
Code identifying the checklist. A unique code is required for each checklist. Character/10
Run When
Indicates when the checklist's options should be run.
ANYTIME--Anytime-- - -- to run the options as needed independent of a report card run. With this selection, you cannot access the RC Run field. For example, you could select this setting for generating IPRs, which do not use report card runs. RCRUN - RC Run - to indicate that the options should be run for the report card run specified in the RC Run field.
Report Card Run
Select the report card run to associate with the checklist. When a user selects an option from the checklist, the report card run selected defaults to the option's processing page, along with the building number. This field does not apply if you selected ANYTIME --Anytime-- in the Run When field.
Title or description of the checklist. The description will display on the Checklist List and Checklist pages. Character/255
General Notes
Notes providing additional information to those using the checklist. For example, you could list any required filter reminders, such as "Filter for students where grade = 09." The notes display on the Checklist page's header section. Character/255
Checklist Options Panel
Option to Process
Select the option from the field's drop-down list, which displays codes and descriptions of options for generating report cards, progress reports, and transcripts. An additional option, USER_DEFINED - User Defined Processing, displays at the bottom of the list. This selection enables you to use the Note field to define a checklist task, for example, a reminder such as "Verify student's mark information."
The options selected will display as links in the Checklist page's Task column. Clicking a link displays the option's processing page. This applies to all options, except USER_DEFINED - User Defined Processing, where the display-only text ----- Other Task ----- will appear in the Task column instead.
Note to display next to the option on the Checklist page. You can provide additional information on the option, such as directions for completing the processing page's fields or the criteria to include when filtering for students. When USER_DEFINED is selected in the Option to Process field, use the Note field to specify the action the user should take. Character/255
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