Incident Averages Page
The Incident Averages report lists a breakdown of incident information for each building by month and incident type. For each month, the report includes the total number of incidents for each incident type and the average number of times that this incident type was reported per day. The average is calculated as the total number of incidents divided by the number of membership days for the month.
Additionally, the report includes a total and average for all incident types for the month, building, and report. The average for all reported buildings is calculated by summing the averages for the incident type for all buildings and then dividing this number by the number of buildings included in the report.
Run Incident Averages report
- Select Interventions > All > Reports > Incident Averages.
- Specify the report options.
- Click Run.
- Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to view task status and retrieve reports.
Prompts Panel
Field | Description |
Buildings | Select the buildings of the students to include in the report. Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click |
Incident Codes | Select the types of incidents to be included in the report. Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click |
Start Date | Select the first date to include in the report. |
End Date | Select the last date to include in the report. |
Non-Student Incidents | Checked if you want the report to also include incidents that only involve non-students. If you leave the box unchecked, the report will only include incidents involving at least one student. |
Log Statistics | Checked if you want to print the prompts in a log file. Otherwise, a log file will be created only if an error occurs. |