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Import Progress Reports from Pinnacle

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You can import progress reports marks and comments from the Pinnacle Gradebook. The import overwrites existing mark reporting data for the student and the selected marking period.

For an overview of the Pinnacle integration, refer to Pinnacle and eSchoolPlus Integration.


Importing data into eSchoolPlus is a two-stage process. Before you can import data, the data must first be loaded to the staging tables in the eSchoolPlus database. Refer to the documentation for Pinnacle for information about this process.

Import Progress Reports from Pinnacle Gradebook

  1. Select Administration > Utilities > Integration > Pinnacle Import Utility.
  2. On the Pinnacle Import Utility page, set the Import Type field to Progress.
  3. In the Building field, select the building to process.
  4. In the Run Date field, select Today or select the progress run you want to import.
  5. In the Run panel, select to run the import now or schedule it to run.
  6. Click Run.
  7. After the import is complete, check the pinnacle_ipr_2_MMMDD.log for rejected records.

Import Error Messages

The following error messages may display in log to explain why a record was rejected.



Student ID,..., is invalid.

The student ID for the record does not exist in the eSchoolPlus demographics table.

Section-key,..., session,..., does not exist in the master schedule.

Section and session information entered in the record does not exist in the eSchoolPlus Master Schedule.

Student is not enrolled in course-section-session,..., for this IPR run date.

The student is not enrolled in the section for the current progress run date.

Comment type,..., is invalid.

The comment type for the record is not valid.

Comment code,..., is invalid.

The comment value for the record is not valid.

Mark type,..., is invalid.

The mark type for the record is invalid.

Mark value,..., is invalid.

The mark value for the record is invalid.

Student ID,..., is invalid.

The student ID for the record does not exist in the eSchoolPlus demographics table.

Section-key,..., session,..., does not exist in the master schedule.

Section and session information entered in the record does not exist in the eSchoolPlus Master Schedule.

Student is not enrolled in course-section-session,..., for this IPR run date.

The student is not enrolled in the section for the current IPR run date.

Comment type,..., is invalid.

The comment type for the record is not valid.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.