Use this page to add or change immunization schedules. Schedules determine how many doses are needed and the spacing between doses. Immunization Validation uses the schedule to determine whether the student has met the dosage requirements for each immunization series that applies to the student.
Schedules are defined for an overall series that will be reported; each dose in the series can be fulfilled by any of the shots entered for that series in the Alternate Doses table. Thus, you can enter an MMR series, and each dose could be fulfilled by either a single MMR shot, or 3 shots, one for measles, one for mumps, and one for rubella.
If your district uses month/year processing, instead of by day, then shots given anytime in the appropriate month are considered valid, even if they were given too soon.
View immunization schedules
Select Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Immunization Schedules.
Search for the schedule, then click its link.
Add immunization schedules
Select Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Immunization Schedules.
Click Add.
Complete fields as needed.
Click Save.
Add doses for immunization schedules
Select Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Immunization Schedules.
Search for the schedule, then click its link.
On the Series Detail panel, click Add to add another dose section to the panel.
Complete the dose fields as needed.
Click Save.
Copy immunization schedules
Select Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Immunization Schedules.
Search for the schedule to copy, then click its link.
Click Copy. The Series Schedule and Series fields are now blank so you can define the new series schedule.
On the Series Information panel, enter the code for the new series schedule, and select the series it applies to.
Change other fields as needed.
Click Save.
Change immunization schedules
Select Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Immunization Schedules.
Search for the schedule, then click its link.
Change values as needed.
Click Save.
Delete doses for immunization schedules
If the dose has been used in the Minimum Schedule or Not Valid Until fields for another dose, then you cannot delete this dose.
Select Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Immunization Schedules.
Search for the schedule, then click its link.
Click (Delete) on the dose section to select for deletion. If the dose has been used in the Minimum Schedule or Not Valid Until Fields, a message displays indicating you cannot delete the dose.
Click Save.
Delete immunization schedules
You can only delete immunization schedules that are not included in an immunization criteria.
Select Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Immunization Schedules.
Search for the schedule.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
Click Save.
Click Yes.
Series Information Panel
Series Schedule
Enter a unique code to indicate a series of doses scheduled for students. Character/10
Select the shot code of the series for this series.
You can only select a code that has been defined as a series in the Vaccinations validation table. A vaccination is considered a series if the Series Flag checkbox is selected.
Schedule Requirements Panel
Booster Requirement Section
Enter values in these fields if you want to require a booster shot as the last shot for the series. If the student has completed all other doses of the schedule, but has not met the booster requirement, the student is considered overdue.
Requirement Timeframe
In these fields, specify the period of time and select whether the timeframe is based on the student's district entry date or the calculation date.
Use District Entry Date if you want to consider a student overdue if the last dose was given earlier than the specified time before the student's entry date. For example, for lead tests, the student may need to have had it within the year before entering the district.
Use Calculation Date if you want to consider a student overdue if the last dose was given earlier than the specified time before the calculation date being used in the Immunization Validation. For example, for tetanus boosters, the student may need to have had a shot within 10 years.
Shot Type List
Leave the field blank to use any alternate dose or the series dose as a booster shot or select shot types to limit the booster shot to only certain shots. Note that you cannot select a shot type that would not be valid for the series. For example, if the selected series code is DPT and the alternate doses for the series are DTAP, Td, and Tdap, you can select DPT, DTAP, Td, and Tdap as valid booster shots.
The shot type field is accessible only after you specify the period of time and date to use.
Shot Requirement Section
Enter values in these fields if you want to require that a student has specific shot types for at least a specified number of doses for the series.
Minimum Number of Shot Types
Enter the minimum number of doses you required for the specified shot types.
Shot Type List
Select the shot types you want to require for the schedule. The shot types must be valid doses for the series. For example, if the selected series code is MMR and the alternate doses for the series are MUMPS, MEASLES, and RUBELLA, you can select MMR, MUMPS, MEASLES, and RUBELLA as valid shots.
Series Detail Panel
Separate sections display in this panel for each dose included in the schedule. To add a scheduled dose, click Add in the Series Detail panel. For dose 1, you can only define a recommended schedule and indicate that the dose cannot be given before a certain age.
Dose Section
Text describing the dose.
Recommended Age Range
Indicates the normal age range for students to receive the shot. The final age in the range is considered an endpoint in time. For example, 4 months refers to the student being 4 months old when the shot was given, it does not include the entire fourth month. This field defines the recommended schedule for doses.
If a student receives this dose before the specified age range, the dose is considered invalid, unless the series was marked as Live.
If a student has reached the first age, but is not yet past the second age, and has not yet received this dose, the student is considered In Process.
If a student has passed the second age, but has not received this dose, the student is considered Overdue.
If a student has received all doses that he/she can currently receive, 0but additional doses are required at a later time, the student is considered to Meet Requirements for the series.
If a student has received all doses in the schedule, and no additional doses are required, the student is considered to be Complete for the series.
Minimum Schedule
Indicates the time between doses for students who did not meet the recommended schedule. The minimum and maximum time frame for giving each dose is measured from the specified prior event.
The final month/week/year in the range is considered an endpoint in time. For example, if the time frame is 2 to 4 months after a previous dose, the system will consider the student overdue if he/she does not have a shot within 4 months of the previous dose. The student has a two-month time period to obtain the dose on time.
If a student receives this dose before the specified time range, the dose is considered invalid, unless the series was marked as Live.
If the time between doses for the student has reached the first time period, but is not yet past the second, and the student has not yet received this dose, the student is considered In Process.
If the time between doses for the student has been exceeded, and the student has not received this dose, the student is considered Overdue.
Not Before Age
Indicates that a dose cannot be given before a certain age, for example MMR may not be given before 1 year.
Not Valid Until
Indicates that a dose cannot be given until the specified period of time has passed since the specified event (birth or a previous dose). For example, you might indicate that Hepatitis B dose 3 cannot be given until at least 16 weeks after dose 1.
Indicates special handling of the current dose, for example, if a dose can be skipped if a prior dose was given by a certain age.
Add this dose if - to indicate that this dose is an additional dosage requirement if the student received the specified dose after the age indicated in the given after age field. Delete this dose if - to indicate that this dose is not needed in some circumstances. If the student was above the age specified in the given after age field when the specified prior dose was given, then the student does not need to have this dose. None - to indicate that there are no exceptions for this dose.
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