Use this page to add or change immunization criteria. Criteria determine which students will be checked for the specified vaccinations, and which immunization schedule will be used for each vaccination.
View immunization criteria
Select Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Immunization Criteria.
Search for the immunization criteria, then click its link.
Add immunization criteria
Select Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Immunization Criteria.
Click Add.
Complete fields as needed.
Click Save.
Copy immunization criteria
Select Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Immunization Criteria.
Search for the criteria to copy, then click its link.
Click Copy. The Criteria Number and Description fields are now blank so you can define the new criteria.
On the Criteria panel, enter the number for the new criteria and its description.
Change other fields as needed.
Click Save.
Change immunization criteria
Select Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Immunization Criteria.
Search for the immunization criteria, then click its link.
Change values as needed.
To reorder series records on the Series Criteria panel, click the tab on the left, and drag to the desired order.
To delete series schedules from the criteria, select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
Click Save.
Delete immunization criteria
You can only delete <records> <define rules for when you can delete records>.
Select Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Immunization Criteria.
Search for the immunization criteria.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
Click Save.
Click Yes.
Criteria Panel
Criteria Number
Number for this criteria. Determines the order in which the Immunization Validation will process criteria, starting at 1 and going up. Each student will only be checked for the first criteria that selects the student.
If some criteria are by age and some by grade, there may be overlap, and the criteria numbers should be entered carefully. For example, a district could have two criteria, one for students ages 3 to 5 years and one for Kindergarten. If you want students who are in Kindergarten to be processed by that criteria, its number should be less than the one for the criteria for ages 3 to 5 years, otherwise Kindergarten students who are under or at age 5 will be caught by age-related criteria.
The description of this criteria. Typically this is a short description of the students processed by the criteria, such as Kindergarten or High School, or District Entry After 5/2015.
Maximum Letters
This field is no longer used by the system, but is required. Enter 999.
Filter By Panel
The selection criteria for students. You can use up to 3 criteria. Age and Date of Birth cannot be used together.
The system compares the student's grade, to the minimum and maximum. The Grade Order field is used to determine whether a grade is in between the entered values.
Entry Date
The system compares the student's district entry date, as entered on the Immunization page to the minimum-maximum range.
The system determines the student's age as of the calculation date and compares it to the minimum-maximum range.
Date of Birth
The system compares the student's birthdate in Registration to the date range to the minimum-maximum range.
Checked if this group should be included. Multiple groups can be checked, but Age and Date of Birth cannot be used together.
Minimum Value
The first value to be included.
For the Grade group, the Grade Order field in the Grades option (Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Grades) is used to determine whether a grade is in between the entered values.
For the Age group, enter as a decimal value, for example, 12.5 for 12 years, 6 months. The system determines the student's age as of the calculation date and compares it to the minimum-maximum range.
Maximum Value
The last value to be included.
For the Grade group, the Grade Order field in the Grades option (Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Grades) is used to determine whether a grade is in between the entered values.
For the Age group, enter as a decimal value, for example, 12.5 for 12 years, 6 months. The system determines the student's age as of the calculation date and compares it to the minimum-maximum range.
Series Criteria Panel
The order of the records affects how the validation processes series schedules. If you will be entering more than one schedule for the same series, this determines the order in which they are checked.
Select the immunization series to be validated.
Select the immunization schedule to use when processing the series. The schedules are defined using the Immunization Schedule option (Administration > Medical Setup > Setup > Immunization Schedules).
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