Use this page to add or change a zone record. A zone is a set of buildings and grades that can be assigned to one or more plan areas. The advantage of using zones is that when several plan areas use the same buildings, you can assign the set of buildings to the plan areas by assigning the appropriate zone. Otherwise, you must assign the buildings to each plan area individually.
For example, if your district is divided so that all students within a township go to the same elementary school, middle school, and high school, you can define a zone that includes these buildings and assign the zone to the township's plan areas. Then, if building assignments change or a new building is added, you can change assignments for the township's plan areas by changing the buildings associated with the zone.
View zone details
Select Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Geo Code Zones to display the Geo Code Zones search page.
Search for the zone, then click its zone number link.
Click the desired zone's link on the Search Results panel to display the Geo Code Zone page.
Add zones
Select Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Geo Code Zones to display the Geo Code Zones search page.
Click Add at the top right of the page.
Enter the values for the new zone.
Click Save.
Change zone details
Select Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Geo Code Zones to display the Geo Code search page.
Search for the zone, then click its zone number link.
If desired, change the zone's description on the Zone Definition panel.
On the Buildings panel, enter or change values.
To delete a row, select its (Delete) checkbox.
To enter new rows, enter values in the bottom row.
Click Save.
Delete zones
Only zones not in use can be deleted.
Select Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Geo Code Zones to display the Geo Code search page.
Search for the zones.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
Click Save.
Zone Definition Panel
Zone Number
The zone number. Integer
The zone description. Character/255
Buildings Panel
This panel displays and allows you to edit the zone's buildings, building of residence types, and building grades.
If a student's address matches more than one plan area or a plan area or zone that has multiple buildings of residence for the student's grade, the Mass Assign Buildings option cannot assign a residence building or enrollment building for the student.
Select the building which students in this plan should attend.
Building of Residence
Checked if the building is the student's building of residence. If checked, the Building of Residence field in the student's Registration record displays the appropriate building.
Building of Residence Type
If you have multiple buildings of residence for a plan area, select the type of building for the Building of Residence. For example, you might have a primary residence building and a secondary residence building to which you will assign ESL students.
If Building of Residence is unchecked, this field is blank.
Grade List
Select the grade levels that will attend the building. Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply. When adding new buildings, this field defaults to the grade list selected for the building in the Preferences panel of the Building Definition page.
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