Use this page to add or change building information. You also can enter information to default when adding a new student. Buildings group students together for registration, scheduling, and attendance purposes.
Use the Administration > General Setup > Checklists > Building Checklist option to add a building and configure it for all eSchoolPlus packages. This option helps you navigate through the setup options in the appropriate order.
Add a new building
Select Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition to display Building Definition search page.
Click Add at the top right of the page.
Complete fields for the new building.
Click Save.
Change building information
Select Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition to display Building Definition search page.
If the desired building does not display on the Search Results panel, enter the appropriate values in the Search Criteria panel, and click Load at the top right of the page.
Click the desired building's link on the Search Results panel to display the Building Definition page.
View or change information.
If you changed any information, click Save.
Edit a district-defined record for a building
Select Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition to display Building Definition search page.
If the desired building does not display on the Search Results panel, enter the appropriate values in the Search Criteria panel, and click Load at the top right of the page.
Click the desired building's link on the Search Results panel to display the Building Definition page.
In the Other Building Information panel, click the link to the desired district-defined page.
Make and save changes to the district-defined page.
Delete an existing building
You can only delete a building if it is not in use.
Select Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition to display Building Definition search page.
If the desired building does not display on the Search Results panel, enter the appropriate values in the Search Criteria panel, and click Load at the top right of the page.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete. Only buildings not in use will display a box.
Click Save.
Create a report of your district's building configurations
This option creates a PDF report that displays in a new browser tab. Each of your district's buildings are displayed on a new page
Select Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition to display Building Definition search page.
Click (Additional options) at the top right of the page and select Run Report.
Use your browser to save the report.
General Panel
The number used to identify this building.
Building Name
The name of the building that displays on screens and reports.
Transfer Building
Unchecked if a building is a school in your district or is used for validating the Alternate Building field in the Demographic page of Student Information.
Checked if a building is used to store transcript-related course information for transfer students. You may choose to have generic transfer buildings or specific ones, if many students transfer from the same building.
Out of District
Unchecked if a building is within your school district.
Checked if a building is an out of district building.
The PerformancePLUS Export uses this field to determine whether building and student data should be exported for PerformancePLUS. Out of district buildings will not be included in the export.
Building Abbreviation
The short name for the building. Displays on some screens and reports.
Main Panel
Building Type
Building's use, for example, high school or middle school. In Transcripts, the courses to include on a transcript are selected based on the building type assigned to the course.
The principal of the building. This name can be included when printing report cards, if desired.
Street Address
Two lines of address information.
The city where the building is located.
The county where the building is located.
The state where the building is located.
The Zip Code for the building.
The building's area code and main phone number.
The building's area code and main Fax number.
Preferences Panel
Default Calendar
The calendar code to be assigned as a default when students are added on the Add Student page. This field is only available after you have added calendars for the building.
If your district uses Mark Reporting, this field must be entered in order for the Scheduling Synchronization to run properly.
Default Zip Code
The Zip Code entered as a default when adding a student's address.
State Equivalency Code
The state-reporting code associated with this building, if any.
Grade List
Grades attending this building. Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Code that corresponds to this building developed by College Entrance Examining Board and ACT for each K12 data exchange partner and used by the Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council (PESC). Select the code for this building.
Other Building Information Panel
This panel displays any building-level information your district defines for this building. Each entry is a hyperlink to the district-defined maintenance for the building.
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