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eSchoolPlus Release

New Feature

The eSchoolPlus Maintenance release includes the following new feature.



PLUS360 API - GetResultsForClass Endpoint

This release includes the GetResultsForClass endpoint that will return Results records which can be filtered using Class Unique ID. This endpoint has been implemented in both v1p1 and v1p2 versions.

Resolved Issues

The following issues were resolved in this release.

Reference Number



ESP-60642Attendance - Year View

If a student has courses from multiple buildings, the View Type field was showing multiple records on the Year View page. This has been resolved.

ESP-72051Attendance Entry by Class

eSchoolPlus Attendance Entry by Class was only displaying one student if there were multiple students with the exact same name. This has been resolved.

ESP-76606OCR  Building Setup

The user’s security to delete a record from a search result was not being validated on specific pages. This has been resolved.

ESP-71680Contact History

The Contact History tracking was being updated with an incorrect timestamp when re-enrolling a student. This has been resolved.

ESP-71804Generate Progress Data Warehouse

Updated SQL queries to improve the performance of the Generate Progress Data Warehouse process.

ESP-60099HAC - Calendar Page

Allow View Previous/Future Months buttons to be focused and triggered via keyboard inputs for accessibility.

ESP-71705HAC - Classes - Requests

There are some unwanted courses showing as required because there is no filter for the graduation requirement plan. If the same course is required in a different graduation requirement plan other than the student being assigned to, it was displaying as required. This has been resolved.

ESP-75655HAC - Grades - TX Test Scores

Added the title tag to the TX Test Scores page for the browser tab to correctly reflect the name of the page.

ESP-60100Home Access Center

Updated the Hide Filter button on the Calendar page to be read by the screen reader application. The name of the button will be read as Hide Filter Button.

ESP-60098Home Access Center

Updated Navigation menu links in HAC to be accessed and selected using the keyboard.

ESP-75420PLUS360 API - academicSessions Endpoint

endDate in the Academic Sessions endpoint was not returning the correct values when there were multiple marking period records with different change date time. This has been resolved.


Registration fields appeared active and allowed modifications, but did not save when the user had read-only permission to a building. This has been resolved.

ESP-75229Registration Setup - Staff

Delete permissions were not correctly checking building staff access when deleting a staff through the Staff Search results.  Resolved this issue.

ESP-75234Report Card Email alert

A data place holder was appearing in the Report Card email alerts when the rank data is not configured to be printed in the View Setup. The place holder will be cleared if rank is not required to be printed.

ESP-75277Schedule Student

The Schedule Student scheduler was failing when Date Entered Grade 9 was selected to sort in the prompt for the Next School Year. This has been resolved.

ESP-65725Scheduling - Room

Delete permissions were not correctly checking write access to the building the room resides in when deleting a room through the Search results page.  This has been resolved.

ESP-70542Student Attachments Window

The student’s attachment displays the Category field description as invalid when the user has read-only access to the category. This has been resolved by making the dropdown list as read-only with the correct description displayed.

ESP-71414TAC Attendance Year View

In TAC, an error occurred when clicking on Year View from the Attendance Detail list view. This has been resolved.

ESP-72962TAC Class Roster

Active students in an activity are being displayed in TAC as inactive, when the same students are inactive in a different building activity with the same code name. This has been resolved.

ESP-74422Transcript Summary

The Transcript Summary page will not update the earned credit in the corresponding Marking Period if a grade is changed and the Override checkbox is selected. It would split only if the Override checkbox is not selected in the Mark Reporting Detail page. This has been resolved.


Resolved issue where the user's security to delete a record from the search results on specific pages were not being checked against the correct resource.  The affected pages and the required resources are listed below.

  • Combined District Defined Setup: REG - SETUP - STUDEF 
  • District Defined Setup: REG - SETUP - DISTDEF
  • OCR Building Setup: FED- SETUP - OCRBLDG
  • Student Success Plan Qualification Setup: SSP - SETUP - CONFIG
  • (CT Only) CT Building Setup: CT - SETUP - BLDG
  • (FL Only) Florida Building Setup: FL - SETUP - BLDG
  • (MD Only) SCGT Building Setup: MD - SETUP - SCGTBUILDING

State Reporting

This release includes changes for the following states:

  • Florida
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Texas
  • Virginia
  • Washington

Release notes are available in your state's eSchoolPlus online documentation site.

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