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eSchoolPlus Release

New Features

The eSchoolPlus Maintenance release includes the following new features.



HAC Course Average InformationThis release includes the HAC Course Average Information email alert rendered in a user-friendly HTML format.
HAC Classwork (Report Card)This release includes the HAC Classwork (Report Card) email alert that will have a link on top of the email to open the Classwork page in HAC for the respective student. This functionality will be available only for the mobile email version.
Rostering Endpoint (getClassesForTeacher)This release includes the getClassesForTeacher endpoint to fetch the correct class details for the given teacher-sourced ID. This change will be available for the v1p1 and v1p2 endpoints.

Resolved Issues

The following issues were resolved in this release.

Reference Number



ESP-73124ADA/ADM Statistics

The ADA/ADM Statistics report errors when Calculate Day Totals option is selected. This has been resolved.

ESP-48964ADA/ADM Statistics

The ADA/ADM Statistics page contained a spelling error in the First NCLB Subtotal prompt dropdown. This has been resolved.

ESP-72071Building of Residency

When a record with a 9 digit zip code is delivered to a plan area having only 5 digit zip code, the Building of Residence did not calculate. This has been resolved.

ESP-66205Day Sheet

Added security checks to allow user's to issue student's medication based on building access.

ESP-71783Day Totals Calculation

Added improvements to the Day Totals Calculation to decrease memory resource issues.

ESP-74038Delete Endpoints

The Status code for Delete Category, Delete LineItem, and Delete Results endpoints were changed to 204 (No Content) from 200 (OK). These changes were made in accordance with the IMS Global specification.


An error was occurring on the District page when saving a Validation ONLY district from the page. This has been resolved.

ESP-71472District Course Sequencing

Mark type on the District Course Sequencing page was not displaying any records for a course group which was added in the District Course Group, but was not added in the District Course Catalog. This has been resolved.

ESP-72983File Uploads

Added additional validation to verify valid file naming in Report Card/Transcript/Progress Report template uploads, and Conversion Utility uploads where file uploads would fail validation but no message would display to the user.


Student names with special characters (that is, an apostrophe) were displaying with an html encoded format. This has been resolved.

ESP-71462Homepage (Behavior Widget)

The Behavior widget was requiring read/write access to be able to use the action code dropdown. This has been resolved and the dropdown is enabled when the user has at least read access to the widget.

ESP-74166OneRoster Endpoint (getAllUsers)

“Type“ attribute inside “agents“ attribute of the getAllUsers endpoint response is updated to “user“ instead of “guardian“ or “student“. The changes were made in accordance with the IMS Global specification.

ESP-74954OneRoster Endpoint (getCourseForSchool)

The OneRoster endpoint (getCoursesForSchool) for v1p2 was inaccessible due to improper routing information. This has been resolved and made accessible.

ESP-74802OneRoster PLUS360 API

The OneRoster API endpoints were not accessible when the database was changed and was using oAuth 2.0. This issue was related to caching with respect to the database. This has been resolved.

ESP-73867PLUS360 API Profile and OneRoster Integration

Pre-registered students were not being returned in API requests when the API Profile page had the Include Pre-Registered Students option selected. This has been resolved.

ESP-74652Schoology API and eSchoolPlus API

When issuing a POST call to the PostAssignmentRecords endpoint in the Schoology API, when the insert completes successfully, the response is supposed to include information in the ArrayOfRecords so Schoology knows what the eSchoolPlus assessment number is. This has been resolved.

ESP-70268Student Attendance Totals Register

On the Student Attendance Totals Register report, if the administrator used District Codes and selected 1 or 2 of the available codes in the list, the report showed 100% for all students. It did not break down by the code. This has been resolved.

ESP-62886Transcript Summary

Updated processing to show Subject Area Credit and Earned Credit on the Transcript Summary when the Subject Area view is used. Note that Subject Area Credit may be higher if a course is set to assign full credit to each subject area and the course has multiple subject areas.

ESP-66147Day SheetResolved security issue related to data entry on the Day Sheet page.
ESP-65726Building Medical SummaryResolved issue with building specific security for medical totals.

State Reporting

This release includes changes for the following states:

  • California
  • Connecticut
  • Florida
  • Illinois
  • Maryland
  • Missouri
  • New York
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Texas
  • Virginia
  • Washington

Release notes are available in your state's eSchoolPlus online documentation site.

Database Table Changes

The following changes are included in this release.

Table Name




Added LSM_IDENTIFIER columns to the MR_SC_COMP_DET and MR_SC_COMP_HDR tables in support of future development.


Added the State Code Equivalent (regtb_note_type.state_code_equiv) field to the Note Types validation table under Registration.

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