eSchoolPlus Release
If you wish to implement any of these OneRoster 1.2 changes, please contact Support for an updated PLUS360 Developer Guide.
Area | Description |
OneRoster 1.2 - Nested Endpoints | The Phone Number and Email details are provided to users where available. The endpoints included are:
The postLineItemsForSchool endpoint has been added to allow a vendor to post multiple lineitems for a school. The postLineItemsForClass endpoint has been added to allow a vendor to post multiple lineitems for a class or school. The postResultsForLineItem endpoint has been added to collect result instances for a message payload. The getTeachersForClass endpoint has been added to return the teachers (both primary and secondary) for the specified class. The endpoint returns results in the form of the user model for the class mentioned. (This endpoint is available in the OneRoster 1.1 version and above). The getStudentsForClass endpoint has been added to return the list of students enrolled in the given class. It returns in the form of a user model for the class mentioned. (This endpoint is available in the OneRoster 1.1 version and above). |
OneRoster 1.2 - Attributes | The gradingPeriod and School attributes for the lineItem class have been added. The ‘sex’ attribute has been added in the ‘Demographics’ class to include the value of ‘other’ when the gender identity column is neither male or female. The users endpoint will have the existing role attribute removed, the new roles attribute (which is now a list of roles, rather than only supporting a single role) added, and removal of org attribute (this is now contained within the roles attribute). |
OneRoster 1.2 - Guardian | The users endpoint will now include the role type Guardian (G). The guardians will be those contacts with the student relationship type having IMS Equiv value as Guardian (G) or Parent (P). Guardians/parents would only be included in getUser and getAllUsers endpoints, with a filter on that role type. The student endpoint will have a new attribute Agent ID, which will be the contacts for that student who are tagged as Guardian or Parent in the relationship table. This can have multiple values. The Relationship type validation page has been changed to include a new column IMS Equiv in the grid to tag a code as Guardian (G) or Parent (P). |
OneRoster 1.2 - Rostering Endpoints | Consumers of the OneRoster API are enabled to access OneRoster 1.2 Rostering endpoints with OAuth 2.0 authentication. The endpoints are now formatted as '/ims/oneroster/rostering/v1p2' instead of '/ims/oneroster/v1p1'. |
OneRoster 1.2 - Gradebook Endpoints | Consumers of the OneRoster API are enabled to access OneRoster 1.2 Gradebook endpoints with OAuth 2.0 authentication. The Gradebook endpoints are now formatted as '/ims/oneroster/gradebook/v1p2' instead of '/ims/oneroster/v1p1'. The Gradebook Alpha Marks page has been updated to include these four IMS Equiv options for the scoreStatus attribute value:
API Profile | The API Profile page is updated with a new field Authentication Method to set the authentication for OAuth 1.0 or OAuth 2.0. In the API Profile page, when users select OAuth 2.0 authentication method, the grid with OneRoster related scopes is displayed. This is applicable for OneRoster 1.1 and 1.2 endpoints. For OAuth 2.0 authentication type, the vendor will be able to select the scopes from the grid in API profile page instead of endpoints. The selected scope will mean that all the endpoints for that scope have been selected for the vendor. Endpoints are displayed as sub grid which can be seen on expansion of the scope. The OAuth 2.0 profile will be enabled/disabled based on the Active check box in the API Profile page. The Advanced Settings column will be displayed in the API Profile page for OAuth 2.0 similar to OAuth 1.0 authentication type. The column displays a link to API Profile Endpoint Advanced Settings page, if the required settings are there for that particular Rule ID. When you switch to OAuth 2.0 authentication type, the client is registered for OAuth 2.0 and the selected scopes are saved. The integration related details are displayed in a dialog box after successful save. The Client is enabled or disabled based on the Active check box. You can also switch back to OAuth 1.0 at any point of time. The dialog box details are:
The endpoint selected on the API Profile page for OAuth 2.0 authentication method is saved in the backend. |
District Configuration Utility | Added an input field in the integration tab to add the P360 API URL. Added an input field in the Installation tab to enter the folder path for the PLUS 360 (P360) API. The DCU will now write the eSPConfig.xml file to a Configs subfolder within this folder. A checkbox in the District Information page enables users to select P360 availability for the P360 API. |
Resolved Issues
The following issues were resolved in this release.
Reference Number | Page | Description |
ESP-70172 | Year View - Attendance Detail | If the attendance date is an alternate cycle day and the course the student is enrolled in has a resolved conflict, then attendance cannot be taken through Year View - Attendance Detail. This has been resolved. Attendance Entry by Individual has also been resolved with this fix. |
ESP-69442 | TAC District Defined | When using SSO and Attachments is turned ON but TAC_BUILDING_ATTACH records were missing, an error was occurring when accessing District Defined pages in TAC. This has been resolved. |
ESP-68859 | TAC - Gradebook Entry Assignment Details Drawer | Gradebook Entry Assignment Details Drawer has been modified so an assignment cannot be dropped if the points and weight value are both equal to zero. |
ESP-68629 | Student District-Defined | If you have read-only security to some fields on the page and read-write access to other fields, then you cannot save a new record. This has been resolved. You can add new data with values in fields where they have read-write access. Fields with read-only access will still be displayed as disabled. |
ESP-68407 | Behavior Incidents | When creating an incident and choosing a student having an apostrophe in their name as the Reported By Entity on an incident, an error was occurring. This has been resolved. |
ESP-67782 | Success Plan Detail | When entering values into Student Success Plan Goal fields, the fields could be saved, but then disappeared when the page re-displayed. This has been resolved. |
ESP-67724 | Login Timeout | SSO time outs were redirecting users to the wrong page. This has been resolved.
ESP-67213 | Transcript Summary | The data was displaying in the wrong column on the transcript summary. This has been resolved. |
ESP-67158 | Scheduling Period | State Code Equivalent field was only displaying in Scheduling Periods for Texas districts. The field is updated to be visible for all districts. |
ESP-67142 | Scheduling Timetables | If the building was on bell schedules or changed from being bell schedules after a copy, if they delete the bell schedule timetables, that process is leaving orphan schd_timetable_hdr records in the database, which causes Attendance bulletins and current day schedule to not work. This has been resolved. |
ESP-66021 | Student Schedule | When the student is resolved out of cycles days, the schedule does not print correctly on the Mailer. This has been resolved. |
ESP-64639 | Mass Load Grades | Mass Load grades was not working in prior years. This has been resolved. |
ESP-64128 | Scheduling District Configuration | Previously, on the Scheduling District Configuration, if you blanked out the ‘Classified Students’ field and saved; the field will come back with a value of 1.000. This has been resolved to allow the value to be null. |
ESP-62939 | HAC Classes | In HAC for Summer school, when the classwork average is configured to display in HAC, the header average was not displaying. This has been resolved. |
ESP-61981 | Print Report Card | The report card was printing transfer courses when the transfer building configuration was setup to not print on the report card. This has been resolved. |
ESP-61924 | Report Card Summary | On report card summary, the mark was showing as a hyper link with incorrect assignments. This issue has been resolved. |
ESP-61725 | GeoCode Building Assignment | Geo Plan Area: Assign Next Year - Was not Assigning Next Year Building for some Students. This has been resolved. |
ESP-60886 | Classwork | The eSchoolPlus Classwork page was modified to properly set assignments with 0 weight or points to Cannot Be Dropped when adding new assignments. Assignments that already had 0 but did not have the cannot be dropped set, will be modified if they edit the assignment. |
ESP-54607 | Student Competencies | When a student changes buildings, the competency staff was being deleted from the student competency record. This has been resolved. |
ESP-51292 | TAC Attendance | In TAC, if the teacher typed a comment with an apostrophe in Attendance entry, the characters after the apostrophe did not save. Updated the comments field to include contractions. |
State Reporting
This release includes changes for the following states:
- Florida
- Illinois
- New York
- Pennsylvania
- Virginia
This release also includes Federal changes for the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) Federal Civil Rights Data Collection.
Release notes are available in your state's eSchoolPlus online documentation site.
Database Changes
The following changes are included in this release:
Base Database Table Changes
Table Name | Description |
API_CALLER_SUBSCRIBE | Added the 'SCOPE' column to define the scope of the endpoint that the vendor is subscribed to. |
API_CALLER_CFG | Added the 'AUTHENTICATION_METHOD' column to define the authentication method to be used for the vendor, either OAuth 1.0 or OAuth 2.0 |
ONEROSTER_SCOPE | Added this table in the task database to contain the list of scopes and the endpoint for each scope. This is used to display the list of available endpoints on the API Profile page. |
ONEROSTER_SCOPE_SECRET | Added this table in the task database to store the scope name and scope secret that are used to validate the token and get the details of the scope when an endpoint is called using the OAuth 2.0 authentication method. |
REGTB_RELATION | Added the 'IMS_EQUIV' column to define whether the relationship type is a Parent (P) or a Guardian (G). |