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eSchoolPlus Release

System Requirements Update

Windows Server 2019 has been certified for the 21.4 version of eSchoolPlus.

New Features

Enrollment DocumentsThis release includes changes to Student Attachments so that users can open documents attached in Enrollment using the Document Delivery feature in Enrollment. Watch PowerSchool Community for an announcement from Enrollment when the Document Delivery is available for eSchoolPlus SIS customers.
Data ExchangeThis release includes changes to allow access to the Data Exchange Cloud from eSchoolPlus SIS where it is supported. The District Configuration Utility was modified to store settings to connect to PowerSchool Services like Data Exchange Cloud.

Resolved Issues

The following issues were resolved in this release.

Reference Number



ESP-59718Behavior Referral

If a behavioral referral was added for a building in which the Disciplinarian does not have access, then the referral was not displayed on the Behavioral Referral page for the Disciplinarian. This has been resolved.

ESP-63470Build Course Equivalency

The BCE was creating receive marks with 'N'. It has been resolved to build state course with receive marks = 'R' if all local courses have session 1 receive marks = 'R'.

ESP-59007Generate HAC Credentials

The Generate HAC Credentials option was creating invalid logins when generating based on name and the last name was only two characters long. This has been resolved by adding extra characters to the string if it is less than the required amount.

ESP-65446HAC - Student Support Discipline Tab

If a student had no discipline records, the HAC Student Support tab included the View Discipline by Year option when the HAC building configuration page was configured to just display current year records. This has been resolved.

ESP-66461HAC - Week View

HAC week view page was not loading for the scenario when the student’s buildings was using timetable period attendance and had only the default timetable with bell schedule as N/A. This issue has been resolved.

ESP-55235Home Page - Attendance Widget

Attendance widget was including counts of substitutes who were inactive in the user’s building. This has been resolved.

ESP-46128Honor Roll Calculation

Users were able to run the Honor Roll Calculation using the prompts on the Honor Roll Report page when the user had the security resource to run the Honor Roll Report, but not the resource to run the calculation. This has been fixed so the user needs to have security to access the Honor Roll Calculation to run it from the Honor Roll Report page.

ESP-55068Master Schedule

If two users added and saved a Master Schedule record at the exact same time, it generated the same section key for both and one of the saves resulted in an error. This has been resolved.

ESP-64887Schedule Entry

Courses were not displaying in marking period order on the Schedule Entry page when the order went into double digits. For example, order 10 was being used as order 1. This issue has been resolved.

ESP-60914Student District-Defined

Users were able to edit read only fields on a district-defined screen when the screen included fields that required different security resources and the user had read for one resource and read/write for another resource. This has been resolved.

ESP-63921Student Requests

When the scheduling status was changed on the request page, the data was not always saving. This has been resolved.

ESP-65694TAC Email

When an invalid email caused the TAC Email to fail, the TAC Email Report was not indicating which email was incorrect. If the email process stops because of an invalid email, it will now include the invalid email address in the TAC Email Report.

State Reporting

This release includes changes for the following states:

  • California

  • Florida
  • Illinois
  • Massachusetts
  • New York
  • Ohio

  • Pennsylvania
  • Texas

  • Virginia
  • Washington

This release also includes Federal changes.

Release notes are available in your state's eSchoolPlus online documentation site.

Database Changes

The following changes are included in this release:

Base Database Table Changes

The database changes are related to supporting for the upgrade to OneRoster 1.2. Watch for an announcement with more information when this feature is released.

Table Name



Added the following field:



Task Database Table Changes

The changes are related to supporting the ability to set up connections to PowerSchool Services like Data Exchange. Currently, Data Exchange is only supported for Delaware for eSchoolPlus.

Table Name



Added the following field:



Added the following field:



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