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eSchoolPlus Release


The following changes have been added in support of the IMS OneRoster version 1.1.

API Profile PageAdded the Signature Method field to enable the district to select to use HMAC-SHA256 for the version 1.1 endpoints.
API Profile Page

All nested OneRoster endpoints are now included under the associated main endpoint. When you select a main endpoint on the API Profile page, the nested endpoints will be made available as well.

Gradebook Alpha Marks Page

Added the IMS Equiv field so you can define the values to return for alpha marks defined to indicate the 'scoreStatus' for student assignments.

Note that an SGY Equiv (Schoology) field was also added to support future enhancements to the integration between eSchoolPlus and Schoology.

Grades Page

The March release included a change to the Grades page to include a CEDS Code field to define the CEDS (Common Education Data Standards) Code that corresponds to the Grade codes for OneRoster. Also, added the CEDS Code validation table for Registration to define the valid CEDS codes.

In this release, the Grades page was modified so a CEDS Code can only be assigned to one grade.

Plus360 API for OneRoster

Academic Session

  • Added a new attribute ‘schoolYear’.


Added the following attributes:

  • ‘hispanicOrLatinoEthnicity’
  • ‘americanIndianOrAlaskaNative’
  • ‘asian’
  • ‘blackOrAfricanAmerican’
  • ‘nativeHawaiianOrOtherPacificIslander’
  • ‘white’
  • ‘demographicRaceTwoOrMoreRaces’


  • Added ‘beginDate’ and ‘endDate’ attributes to indicate when students added and dropped classes.
  • Added nested endpoint ‘getEnrollmentsForSchool’.


  • Renamed the ‘grade’ attribute to ‘grades’.
  • Enabled the 'schools/id/courses' and 'schools/id/courses/courseId' endpoints.


  • Renamed the ‘grade’ attribute to ‘grades’.
  • Added ‘periods’ attribute.
  • Enabled the 'schools/id/classes', 'schools/id/classes/classID/enrollments', and 'schools/id/classes/classID/enrollments/enrollmentID' endpoints


  • Added new ‘middleName’ attribute.
  • Added new ‘enabledUsers’ attribute.
  • Renamed the ‘grade’ attribute to ‘grades’.
  • Added ‘getStudentsForClassInSchool’ and ‘getTeachersForClassInSchool’ endpoints.


  • Added new ‘resultValueMin’ attribute. Always set to Zero (0)
  • Added new ‘resultValueMax’ attribute.
  • Added new ‘deleteLineItem’ endpoint.


  • Added new ‘deleteCategory’ endpoint.
  • Added new ‘putCategory’ endpoint.


  • Changed ‘resultStatus’ attribute to ‘scoreStatus’
  • Added ‘scoreDate’ attribute.
  • Added new ‘deleteResult’ endpoint.
  • Added ‘putResult’ endpoint.
  • Added ‘getResult’ endpoint.
Plus360 API for OneRoster  Added 403 error response indicating: Forbidden - to indicate that the server can be reached and process the request but refuses to take any further action.

Resolved Issues

The following issues were resolved in this release.

Reference Number



ESP-53500Attendance Missing Submission

Attendance missing submission was including a course that did not meet on the cycle day when the calendar day had an alternate cycle day. This has been resolved.

ESP-47081Copy Setups

The PA Assessment Codes table will be copied when State Courses is selected in Copy Setups.

ESP-48777Course District-defined Page

The security access was not checking read/write access for the course building, instead, it was expecting that the user should have access to all buildings. This has been fixed so that the check to see if the user has read/write permission happens using the course building.

ESP-48206Day Totals Calculation

Modifications to Attendance Day Totals to improve performance, specifically focusing on views that include Alternate Buildings.

ESP-55797Day Totals Calculation

The Day Totals calculation only included a day if the student’s calendar had the Attendance Day checkbox selected. As a result, days were excluded if the Attendance Day checkbox was not selected, even if the Include in Totals checkbox was selected. The calculation has been modified to use the Include in Totals checkbox to determine if a day should be included.

If your calendar days are currently configured with the Attendance Day checkbox selected and the Include in Totals checkbox not selected, Day Totals will not be calculated for those days now. To make needed changes to your days, use the Mass Update Days page.

ESP-48868Enrollment Online

A new form in EO was issuing an error when accepting the form and there was medical information included. This has been resolved.

ESP-48301eSchoolPlus and Enrollment Integration

Lower case data in the transportation tables was causing an issue during the delivery of Enrollment data. This has been resolved.

ESP-48316eSchoolPlus and Enrollment Integration

When using the eSchoolPlus API to re-enroll an inactive student via PowerSchool Enrollment and there was no new Entry/Withdrawal information provided for the student in the request to the API, there was a hard reference ID error. This has been resolved and replaced with a warning message indicating that the user should ensure that Entry/Withdrawal information is being provided when re-activating a student.

ESP-46409Graduation Requirement Calculation

The Graduation Requirement Subject Area was getting set to a subject area that was not assigned to the course. This has been resolved.

ESP-58761Mass Update Days

Modified the Mass Update Days page so that selecting the Include in Totals checkbox is no longer dependent on Attendance Day being selected.

ESP-47119Plus360 API

Modified the Plus360API to better handle Offsets for large datasets, improving query performance.

ESP-58960Plus360 API

The Plus360 API now formats the SQL used for delta queries correctly.

ESP-48629Print Report Card

If a student trailed from course A in M1 to course B in M2 and back to course A in M3, then the printed report card was including marks for future marking periods. This has been resolved

  • When printing M2, it will only display course B, including both the M1 and M2 marks.
  • When printing M3, it will only print course A and reflect all 3 marks on a single row.
ESP-48643Print Transcript

On the printed transcript, the course was wrapping to the next column causing the course not to print correctly and causing extra pages of the transcript. This issue has been resolved.

ESP-47757Quick Search

The Quick Search will return a student from a building that the user does not have access to, but the full student search does not return that same student. This issue has been resolved.

ESP-47677Schedule Entry

In the Schedule Entry List and the Course Detail, if a course was dropped with "N" Marks (once or multiple times) and the course was re-added back to the schedule, it was not able to be trailed from a different course.

ESP-46761Success Plan Summary - Advanced Search

When doing an advanced search in the Student Success Plan summary, the search was issuing an operation wait time out error. This has been resolved.

ESP-52261Teacher Access Center

When using the Hide Mixed Day option on the Learning Location menu on the Attendance, Class Roster, and Gradebook Entry pages, the pages would potentially incorrectly hide students that were not marked in a Hybrid Learning Location for the day. This has been resolved.

State Reporting

This release includes changes for the following states:

  • California

  • Florida

  • Illinois

  • Michigan

  • Missouri
  • Ohio

  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Texas

  • Virginia
  • Washington

Release notes are available in your state's eSchoolPlus online documentation site.

Database Changes

The following changes are included in this release:


Added fields:

IMS_EQUIV varchar 50
SGY_EQUIV varchar 255

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