Use this page to view, add, change, and delete combined district-defined pages. The Combined District Defined setup page enables you to include multiple district-defined student screens on a single page. The resulting page can display both list-type and standard-view district-defined pages. You can designate security requirements to determine which users can access the combined page, and assign a page name that also serves as its menu option.
Users must have REG-SETUP-STUDEF security to access the Combined District Defined setup page.
Note: A district-defined screen can display on multiple combined district-defined pages, but it can only display once on an individual combined district-defined page.
View combined district-defined pages
Navigate to the menu path: Administration, General Setup, District, and then select Combined District Defined.
Click a Screen link to display a combined district-defined page.
Add combined district-defined pages
Navigate to the menu path: Administration, General Setup, District, and then select Combined District Defined.
Click Add at the top right of the page.
On the Combined District Defined page, complete the fields in the Screen Definition panel.
On the District Defined Screens to Include panel, select a district-defined screen from the the bottom row's District Defined Screen dropdown menu.
To prevent the individual district-defined page from displaying in the menu and also to remove it from the series of pages users navigate through when enrolling students, select the Hide Screen on Menu checkbox.
Repeat Steps 4-5 for each additional district-defined screen to include on the page.
Click Save.
Add district-defined screens to combined district-defined pages
Navigate to the menu path: Administration, General Setup, District, and then select Combined District Defined.
Click a Screen link to display a combined district-defined page.
On the District Defined Screens to Include panel, select a district defined screen from the bottom row's District Defined Screen dropdown menu.
To prevent the individual district-defined page from displaying in the menu and to also remove it from the Registration District Configuration's Add/Re-enroll Students panel list, select the Hide Screen on Menu checkbox.
Repeat Steps 3-4 for each additional district-defined screen to include on the page.
Click Save.
Re-order screens displayed on a combined district-defined page
Navigate to the menu path: Administration, General Setup, District, and then select Combined District Defined.
Click a Screen link to display a combined district-defined page.
Click the tab to the left of the district-defined screen's name, then drag and drop to the desired location.
Repeat Step 3 until the screens are in the desired order.
Click Save.
Delete screens from a combined district-defined page
Navigate to the menu path: Administration, General Setup, District, and then select Combined District Defined.
Click a Screen link to display a combined district-defined page.
On the District Defined Screens to Include panel:
Select the (Delete) checkbox of each screen you want to delete. or
Click the (Delete) icon at the top of the column to select all checkboxes.
Click Save.
Note: When you delete a screen that has Hide Screen on Menu selected:
The screen's menu option will display for all users with security to view the page, and
the screen will be added to the Registration District Configuration Page 's Add/Re-enroll Students panel so it can be included in the step-by-step process for the enrollment list.
You may wish to review the Add/Re-enroll Students panel to determine if the screen should be included in the step-by-step process list.
Delete combined district-defined pages
Navigate to the menu path: Administration, General Setup, District, and then select Combined District Defined.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
Click Save.
Click Yes in the confirmation dialog.
Screen Definition Panel
Screen Type
Code and description identifying the type of district-defined page. Only R - Student can be selected.
Screen Number
The number identifying the page. The screen number must be from 1 to 8999. Integer/4
Title or description of the district-defined page. This field serves both as the combined district-defined page's name and its menu option. Character/255
To restrict security for the combined page, select the security package for the required resource. For example, use REG for Registration or SCHD for Scheduling.
Besides system packages, the selections can include state reporting options.
Select the security subpackage for the resource that users must have to access the combined page, if any. For example, use MAINT for Maintenance. Available only if the Package field contains an entry. The selections depend on your entry in the Package field.
You can create a district-defined subpackage and resource if the standard resources do not provide adequate control to determine access for this page. For more information, refer to Add District-Defined Security Resources.
Specifies the security resource for the resource that users must have to access the combined page, if any. For example, use PERSONAL for Personal Information page. Available only if the Subpackage field contains an entry. The selections depend on your entries in the Package and Subpackage fields.
You can create a district-defined resource if the standard resources do not provide adequate control to determine access for this page. For more information, refer to Add District-Defined Security Resources.
Note: The security resource selected for the combined district-defined page controls if a user sees the menu option for the combined screen. The security resources assigned for individual screens control which screens a user will see on the combined screen.
If a user has security for the combined district-defined page but does not have security for any of its individual screens, an error message displays when the user selects the combined page. The message indicates that the user does not have permission to see any details on the page.
District Defined Screens to Include Panel
Use this panel to add, display, and specify the order of the district-defined screens included in the combined district-defined page. To reorder the sequence, click the tab to the left of the district-defined screen's name, then drag and drop to the desired location.
District Defined Screen
Code and description identifying the student district-defined screen to be included as a panel on the combined district-defined page. Select the district-defined screen from the dropdown menu. Panels on the corresponding combined district-defined page display in the order listed here.
Hide Screen on Menu
Checked to prevent the individual district-defined page from displaying in the menu. If this checkbox is selected, the page is also removed from the Registration District Configuration's Add/Re-enroll Students panel list.
To delete a row, select its (Delete) checkbox, then click Save. If a district-defined screen is deleted and its Hide Screen on Menu checkbox is selected, the corresponding district-defined page is returned to both the menu and the Registration District Configuration Page's Add/Re-enroll Students panel list. If you are using the step-by-step process for enrollment, you may wish to review the Add/Re-enroll Students panel to determine if the screen should be included.
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