Classwork Average Report
Use this report to print a list of students who have a classwork average less than or equal to a specified threshold for a category or for all categories. The report data is grouped by building, and then teacher. The students whose classwork average is below the specified value are listed under each teacher, with their student ID, name, course description, and their classwork average.
This report includes filter areas for Gradebook Assessment (the assignment details) and Student Gradebook Scores so you can find students based on assignment and score information. For example, if your district has an alpha score to record missing assignments, you can filter the report so it includes only students who have received at least one alpha score that indicates a missing assignment.
Run Classwork Average Report
- Select Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Report Card Reports > Classwork Average Report.
- Specify the report options.
- Click Run.
- Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to view task status and retrieve reports.
Prompts Panel
Field | Description |
Buildings | Buildings for the courses to include in the classwork average report. Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click |
Marking Period | Select the marking period for which you want to print the report. You can select only one marking period. The list of available marking periods includes all marking periods for the selected buildings. If you select a marking period that is not valid for one of the selected buildings, no students will be returned for that building. |
Gradebook Category | Select a gradebook category that you want to include in the report. To include all categories, select ALL – All Categories. The list displays building and district level categories for the selected buildings. |
Threshold Average | Enter the maximum average value for which you want to find students. Students with averages less than or equal to the entered value are listed in the report. You can enter whole numbers or values with decimal places, for example, 0 to 99.99. |
Include Students Withdrawn from Course | Checked if you want to include students who are withdrawn from the course as of the report run date. |
Sort Panel
Use the Sort panel to specify how records should be ordered in a report. You enter lines of sort criteria; the system compares your sort criteria against the corresponding fields in the records being searched and displays records in either ascending or descending order based on the sort fields.