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Behavior Non-Students Page

On this page:

Use this page to enter address and demographic information for people involved in behavior incidents who are not students in your district. You can also access this page as a window by clicking Add on the Non-Student Search window when you are adding people to an incident.

If a staff member needs to be included as an offender, victim, or witness, then a non-student record needs to be added. It is not necessary to create a non-student record for staff who report incidents. The Reported By field on the Incident Detail Page provides the ability to select a staff member.

The Behavior Year End option will create a non-student detail record for a student deleted by the Registration Rollover if the student was involved in an incident that includes other students who were not deleted by the rollover. For more information, refer to Behavior Rollover Processing.

This topic also includes the procedure to add a non-student while adding an incident on the Incident Detail page.

View non-students

  1. Select Interventions > All > Office > Behavior Non-Students.
  2. On the Behavior Non-Students Search page, search for the person, and click the Name link for the non-student you want to view.

Add non-students

  1. Select Interventions > All > Office > Behavior Non-Students.
  2. On the Behavior Non-Students Search page, search for the person to determine whether a record for the non-student currently exists.
  3. If no matching record exists, click Add.
  4. Complete the fields on the Behavior Non-Students page as needed.
  5. Click Save.

Add non-students while adding an incident on the Incident Detail page

  1. Select Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail.
  2. On the Incident Detail Search page, click Add. By default, the Incident Detail page displays in Quick entry mode.
  3. Enter information about the incident as needed, as well as any notes. You can enter more detailed information about the incident and the people involved, including action information, after you save the Incident Detail record.
  4. Add records for non-students, as needed.
    • If the person who reported the incident is a non-student, select Other Non-Student in the Reported By field in the Description section of the Incident panel.
    • If an Offender, Victim, or Witness is a non-student, click Add in the Offenders, Victims, or Witnesses panel title bar, and then select Other Non-Student in the first field.
  5. Enter the person's name in the Name field and click Search.
  6. If no matching record exists for the non-student, click Add in the Non-Student Search window.
  7. In the Non-Student Entry window, enter the non-student's information, and then click Save.
  8. Continue adding incident information as needed on the Incident Detail page.
  9. Click Save.

Change non-students

  1. Select Interventions > All > Office > Behavior Non-Students.
  2. On the Behavior Non-Students Search page, search for the person, and click the Name link for the non-student you want to view.
  3. Change values as needed.
  4. Click Save.

Delete non-students

If a non-student has not been an offender, victim, or witness in an incident or has not reported an incident, you can delete the non-student on the Behavior Non-Students Search page.

  1. Select Interventions > All > Office > Behavior Non-Students.
  2. On the Behavior Non-Students Search page, search for the person.
  3. Select the 
     (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Yes.


Person Panel



Non-Student ID

Unique identifier for the non-student.

First Name

Non-student's first name. Character/30

Middle Name

Non-student's middle name. Character/30

Last Name

Non-student's last name. Character/30


Generation title of the non-student, for example JR or III.


Gender of the non-student.

Birth Date

Non-student's date of birth.


Non-student's age, calculated from the Birth Date entered.

Demographic Panel




Grade level of the non-student, if any.

District Code

Code identifying the non-student's school district, if any.

Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity

Indicates whether the non-student's ethnicity is Hispanic/Latino. If Yes is selected, 1 (one) displays in the Federal Code field.


Yes - to indicate the non-student's ethnicity is Hispanic/Latino.
No - to indicate the non-student's ethnicity is not Hispanic/Latino.
Unanswered - to indicate that no response was provided regarding Hispanic/Latino ethnicity.


The non-student's race information.

To add a row of fields for entering a race, click the section's Add icon. You can enter as many races as needed.

To delete a race, check the box to the right of the race's fields, then click Save on the page's toolbar.


Number indicating the priority order of the non-student's races, with 1 as primary, 2 as secondary, and so forth.


The non-student's race.


The percentage that each race contributes. This field only displays if your district requires it.


Delete column. Enter a check to mark a row for deletion. Checked rows are deleted when you click Save.

Federal Code

Indicates the equivalent federal code for the race entered in the Race field.

  • If multiple races are entered, this field displays a 7 (seven).
  • If the value selected in the Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity field is Yes, this field displays a 1 (one), even if multiple races are entered.

Staff Panel



Staff Member

Checked if the non-student is a staff member.


Building in which the non-student works, if he or she is a staff member.

Phone Panel




Non-student's phone number. Character/10

Phone Extension

Non-student's phone extension, if any. Character/5

Address Panel




Apartment number at which the non-student resides, if any. Character/10


Apartment complex at which the non-student resides, if any. Character/255


Number of the house at which the non-student resides, if any. Character/10


Name of the street on which the non-student resides. Character/255


City in which the non-student resides. Character/255


State in which the non-student resides.


Postal code for the non-student's residence. Character/9

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