Use this page to display, add, change, or delete attendance period records for your building. Attendance periods define when attendance should be recorded, for example, in homeroom or during a course period.
If you are adding periods for a building that has no periods defined and the Attendance Building Configuration specifies periods or timeslots for attendance periods, the following message displays: To automatically generate Periods by scheduling period, click "Generate Periods" from the page options. For more information, refer to the procedure below for auto-generating attendance periods.
If records display for a building other than the one you want, run a search, then select another building.
Complete fields in the blank row at the bottom. You also can use the Auto-Generate panel to create periods. For details, refer to the procedure below.
Repeat Step 3 for each period you want to add.
Click Save.
Auto-generate attendance periods
Use this procedure to generate attendance periods based on scheduling periods. In this case, your Attendance Building Configuration's Period Type must be set to Period or Timeslot.
On the Attendance Periods page, click (Additional options), then select Generate Periods.
In the Scheduling Period field, select the scheduling period that applies to the attendance period.
Select the Use In Views checkbox, as needed. For more information, refer to the description for Use In Views.
If records display for a building other than the one you want, run a search, then select another building.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
Click Save.
Attendance Periods Panel
Attendance Period
Code representing the attendance period. Character/5
Description of the attendance period. Character/255
For example, if attendance is taken in the morning for the primary homeroom and then taken in the afternoon for the secondary homeroom, you could describe the AM period as AM Homeroom.
Display Order
Number indicating the order that the period should be listed. Integer/5
Homeroom period where attendance is taken. This field only displays if attendance is taken by homeroom, as determined by the Attendance Building Configuration.
Scheduling Period]
Scheduling period where attendance is taken. This field only displays if attendance is taken by period, as determined by the Attendance Building Configuration.
Timeslot where attendance is taken. This field only displays if attendance is taken by timeslot, as determined by the Attendance Building Configuration.
Start Time
Time that the attendance period starts. Enter time using the HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM format.
If the field does not display, your building uses the start times from the Scheduling timetable.
End Time
Time that the attendance period ends. Enter time using the HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM format.
If the field does not display, your building uses the end times from the Scheduling timetable.
Use In Views
If students enrolled in another building can take courses in your building, indicate whether you want the attendance information for this period to be included when the other building runs the Day Totals Calculation.
If the building would never be listed as a Multiple Building Scheduling building, then do not select this checkbox.
Select the checkbox if the period should be included for an Attendance View and your building has attendance views that include periods from MBS buildings.
Additionally, select the checkbox if an attendance view has this building listed as an MBS building and is defined with the Periods field set to All Periods. For example, you would check this field if all of the following are true:
Students can take courses at your building while enrolled in another building,
The attendance for this period should be included in the calculation for the students' home building.
The home building's view is defined to calculate for All periods.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save. The checkbox only displays for records that are not in use.
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