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Attendance Criteria Examples

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Occurrence criteria are used in the Attendance Trends reports and the Attendance Criteria Setup option to determine which absences will be included. Following are examples of different setups.

Example 1: Attendance Once a Day

You take attendance once a day. You want to check for students who have between 5 and 10 unexcused (UNX) absences.


  • List of attendance codes: UNX
  • Days to check: all
  • Periods to check: (select the period when you take attendance)
  • Criteria: Notify if students have at least 5 absences, but no more than 10 absences anywhere in the reporting cycle.

Example 2: Attendance Twice a Day

You take attendance twice a day. The attendance periods are set up as AM and PM. You want to check for students who have unexcused (UNX) absences in both the morning and afternoon for 5 to 10 days.


  • List of attendance codes: UNX
  • Days to check: all
  • Periods to check: AM and PM
  • Criteria: Include only students who have at least 2 absences, but no more than 2 consecutive (or cumulative) absences in the selected attendance periods, and these absences were entered for at least 5 days, but not more than 10 cumulative days.

Example 3: Attendance Twice a Day

You take attendance twice a day. The attendance periods are set up as AM and PM. You want to check for students who have a Tardy (T) attendance code in either the morning or afternoon for 5 to 10 days.


  • List of attendance codes: T
  • Days to check: all
  • Periods to check: AM and PM
  • Criteria: Include only students who have at least 1 absence, but no more than 2 consecutive (or cumulative) absences in the selected attendance periods, and these absences were entered for at least 5 days, but not more than 10 cumulative days.
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