After you run the Schedule Students option (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student Scheduler > Schedule Students), you can use the following features to determine the success of the run:
The Schedule Report Log generates when the Schedule Students option is run. You can use this report to determine the percentage of students who were scheduled.
The Advanced Search option in eSchoolPlus's student pages lets you search for students based on Scheduling Status and Request Status. You can then run a report showing students' individual status.
The Scheduling System offers several reports that indicate why certain students were not scheduled.
Following are details on using these features to analyze your scheduling run.
Review Scheduler Report log
After running the Schedule Students option, review the Scheduler Report Log to check the percentages of students processed in the scheduling run with regard to requests, timeouts, and free time.
Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to view task status and retrieve reports.
The values at the bottom of the log indicate how many students have been successfully scheduled, as well as the reasons some students could not be scheduled.
Students with all requests filled - includes students who have all regular requests scheduled. A student is included even if a student course alternate was scheduled in place of a regular request. Students in this count have a Request Status of A - All Used. This number may be low if students request more courses than fit a typical schedule. For example, if a student requests 9 courses, but the schedule allows only 8 courses, then the student is not included even if 8 requests are scheduled.
Students with not all requests filled - includes students who have regular requests that were not scheduled. Students in this count have a Request Status of N - None or S - Some Used.
Students timed out - includes students who were not scheduled because the scheduler timed out. If this number is high, you may need to increase the number of tries per student. Students who timed out are also included in the counts for requests (Students with all requests filled and Students with not all requests filled) and for free time (Students with no free time and Students with free time).
Students with no free time - includes students who have all standard periods filled. A schedule is full when a student has a course scheduled every standard period each day. Non-standard periods are not considered. The scheduler includes courses scheduled by hand or by a previous scheduling run. Students in this count have a Schedule Status of F - Filled. This number may be low if your building fills study halls into most student schedules. For example, if most students have one free period every day in which the study hall scheduler fills in a study hall, then these students are not included in the total.
Students with free time - includes students who have not had all their standard periods filled, as well as students who attend school for a partial day and do not carry a full course load. Students in this count have a Schedule Status of P - Partial or N - None. This number may be high if your building fills study halls into most schedules. You may want to use the Request Status to further determine scheduling success.
Check students' Schedule and Request Status
Use the Advanced Search option to search for students who are not fully scheduled. The statuses indicate the success of scheduling, based on either the number of periods filled or number of requests filled.
The status that is the most appropriate indicator that students are fully scheduled in your building depends on factors such as:
Do students need to have a course in every period, every day? If so, then search for the Schedule Status of P - Partial to find students with free time.
Can students request more courses than there are periods? If so, the Request Status may be S - Some Used for many students because students requested too many courses.
Does your school population have a large number of students who only attend for half the day? The Schedule Status will be P - Partial for these students.
Does your building fill study halls into most student schedules? The Schedule Status will be P - Partial for students whose free periods are filled by study halls. The Schedule Status will never be F - Filled for these students. Since there will always be open periods in schedules, you may find it helpful to review students' Request Status.
Use Advanced Search to display students by Schedule and Request Status
Select any student-related option, then click Advanced Search.
Enter criteria to select the students whose scheduling status you want to review.
Be sure to include a row in your filter to select Schedule Status records for the next school year. For an example, see the fourth criteria row in the illustration below.
If your building schedules study halls, search on Request Status.
If your building does not schedule study halls and every student is expected to have a course in each period every day, search on Schedule Status.
In the List Field Selection section, select the tables (Area) and columns (Field Name) you want to display in your Search Results.
In the Sort Field Selection section, select the Area, Field Name, and Sort Order to define each sort level. Student Name, Student ID, Grade, and Gender display by default, so these do not need to be selected.
To sort students by status, select Schedule Status as the Area and Schedule Status or Request Status as the Field Name. Use two lines to sort by both Schedule Status and Request Status.
To sort by students' names, select Demographic as the Area and Student Name as the Field Name after selecting the status sorts. Otherwise, students sort by their student IDs.
To force a page break when there is a change in status, enter a check in the Break box for each status.
Click Load to display the students in the Search Results panel.
Generate a report for the students displayed
Click one of the following on the Search Results bar to display the Report Options dialog:
(Export to PDF)
To generate a report in PDF format.
(Export to Excel)
To generate an Excel spreadsheet.
In the Options section, enter a report title.
In the Column Setup section, use the Grade and Gender fields to determine how these fields should display. Select one of the following for each field:
Code Only
Display just the code.
Description Only
Display just the description.
Separate Columns
Display the code and description in separate columns.
Combine Columns
Display the code and description in the same column.
Click Run.
When processing is complete, the results depend on the format selected:
Displays the report in a separate browser tab. Click Save to save the report to a selected destination.
Saves the spreadsheet to your Download folder.
Run Scheduling reports
The Scheduling System provides several reports for determining why students were not scheduled:
Unscheduled Request Summary (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Post-Scheduler Reports > Unscheduled Request Summary) - for each course, lists the number of sections and number of students who requested the course but were not scheduled because of conflicts.
Unscheduled Request Detail (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Post-Scheduler Reports > Unscheduled Request Detail) - for each course, lists students who requested the course but were not scheduled. It includes the student's grade, homeroom, house/team, and counselor and indicates whether the request was an alternate.
Student Conflict Analysis (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Post-Scheduler Reports > Student Conflict Analysis) - for each student, lists unassigned periods in the student's schedule and why they are unassigned.
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