About District-Defined Pages
You can set up district-defined pages for the district, building, student, behavior, course, medical, plan areas, program tracking, student course mark reporting, and testing records. A district-defined page allows your district to store information that the eSchoolPlus System does not include. For example, if you want to store parking information for students, you can create a student district-defined page for parking.
Note: Multiple student district-defined pages can be combined onto a single page using the Combined District Defined Page. The resulting page can display both list-type and standard-view district-defined pages. The Combined District Defined setup page lets you define security requirements to limit which users can access the combined district-defined page and assign a page name that also serves as its menu option.
District-defined pages: One record or List Format
One to one records
There may be only one record for the page for each record in the primary table. For example, you may only have one record for parking information for a student or you may have one school board page for the district to store general information for the school board. Only pages associated with students may be defined to display fields in one or two columns; pages for other records will display fields in one column.
List format records
There may be multiple records for the page for each record in the primary table. For example, you may want to track multiple contacts for a staff member or you may want to track multiple library fines for a student. On a list format page, all fields display in a single row and multiple records can be entered. List format pages are only supported for pages associated with district, building, student, staff, staff building, and test definitions records.
Types of records for district-defined pages
Following are definitions of the Screen Types that can be assigned when setting up a district-defined page.
A - Offender Action
Use the Offender Action district-defined pages to store additional information for offender actions in behavior incidents.
To access an existing district-defined page for an offender action, select Interventions, All, Office, Incident Detail, click on the Incident link in the Incident Detail Search page, click an Offender's name in the Incident Detail's Offenders section > depending on your page view, either click the District-Defined tab or scroll to the district-defined pages at the bottom of the Offender Action Maintenance page. In the scroll view, you can also advance to these pages by selecting the District-Defined option in the Jump To field.
B - Building
Use building district-defined pages to store additional information for each building defined with a building configuration. For example, you can define a page to store PTO information for each building.
To access an existing district-defined page for a building, select Administration, Registration Setup, Building District Defined, click the page's link, then if needed, select a building by clicking its link.
C - Course
Use the course district-defined pages to store additional information for courses and course-sections, such as a page for tracking course textbooks.
Select Scheduling, Courses, Course Sections, Master Schedule
Course district-defined pages are stored as follows:
- The district-defined pages for courses are available on the Scheduling, Courses, District Courses or Building Courses menu.
- When the Master Schedule record is set up for a course-section, district-defined information for the course as defined in the course catalog is copied to the Master Schedule course-section's district-defined record. These records are available on the Scheduling, Courses, Course Sections menu.
D - District
Use district district-defined pages to store additional information for each district that has a district configuration. For example, you may define a page to store a district's superintendent's contact information.
To access an existing district district-defined page, select Administration, District-Defined, District Data Entry, then select a page from the list that displays on the menu.
LT - Testing
Use Testing district-defined pages to store additional information for test definitions for your district. For example, you may define a page to store state reporting information for the test.
To access an existing testing district-defined page for a test, select Testing Center, Setup, Test Definition, select the test, and then click the tab for the district-defined page.
M - Medical
Use medical district-defined pages to store additional medical information for each student in your district, such as a page to store dentist information for each student. Each student may have only one record for a page.
To access an existing medical district-defined page for a student, select Student Center, Medical, then select a page from the list that is displayed on the menu.
I - Incident
Use Incident district-defined pages to store additional information about behavior incidents in your district. For example, you may store an indicator for the time when the incident occurred, such as DS for During School Hours or AS for After School Activity. Each incident may have only one record for a page.
To access an existing district-defined page for an incident, select Discipline Center, Incident Detail, Incident, depending on your page view, either click the District-Defined tab or scroll to the bottom of the Incident Detail page. In the scroll view, you can also advance to these pages by selecting the District-Defined option in the Jump To field.
O - Offender
Use Offender district-defined pages to store additional information about offenders in behavior incidents. For example, you may store additional information about parent conferences, such as the date of the conference and whether or not you reviewed behavior policies. Each offender may have only one record for a page.
To access an existing district-defined page for an offender, select Discipline Center, Incident Summary, click on the specific offender's link, depending on your page view, either click the District-Defined tab or scroll to the district-defined pages at the bottom of the Offender Detail page. In the scroll view, you can also advance to these pages by selecting the District-Defined option in the Jump To field.
P - Plan Area
Use Plan Area district-defined pages to store additional information for plan areas in your district. For example, you may track whether students living at addresses identified by the plan are bussed to school. Each plan area may have only one record for a page.
To access an existing plan area district-defined page for a plan area, select Registration Center, Setup, Plan Areas, then select a page from the list that is displayed on the menu.
PT - Program Tracking
Use Program Tracking district-defined pages to store additional information for programs that you track in your district. For example, you may track the administrator for programs. Each program may have only one record for a page.
To access an existing program tracking district-defined page for a program, select Registration Center, Setup, Program Setup, select the program, and then click the tab for the district-defined screen.
R - Student
Use the student district-defined pages to store additional student information, such as parking pass information or extracurricular activities.
To access an existing student district-defined page for a student, select Student Center, Demographic, then select a page from the list that displays on the menu. District-defined pages display after the standard Demographic pages.
SB - Staff Building
Use Staff Building district-defined pages to store additional Staff Building information for your district. For example, you may store the days that the teacher works in the building.
To access an existing staff building district-defined page for a staff member, select Registration Center, Staff Information, click the building link for a staff member. Then click the District-Defined tab, then select a page from the list that displays.
SC - Student Course
Use Student Course district-defined pages to store additional information for a student's involvement in a course within a specified date range.
To access an existing scheduling district-defined page for a student, select Student Center, Scheduling, Entry, select a student, click course-section description link, click District-Defined tab, then select a page from the list that displays.
SD - Staff District
Use Staff district-defined pages to store additional Staff District information for your district. For example, you may store contact information for the staff member or length of service.
To access an existing district-defined page for a staff member, select Registration Center, Staff Information, click on the district-defined tab, then select a page from the list that displays.
T - Student MR Course
Use Student MR Course district-defined pages to store additional information for a student course mark reporting record. For instance, if you needed to indicate that a particular course served to complete a program of study for a student, you could use a district-defined page for that purpose.
To access an existing course mark reporting district-defined page for a student, select Student Center, Mark Reporting, Report Card Summary or Transcript Courses Summary, select a student, click a course-section description link, click District Defined Information tab, and then select a page from the list that displays.
This option is only available in some states.
V - Victim
Use Victim district-defined pages to store additional information about victims in behavior incidents. For example, you may store follow-up information for any medical treatments that may have been required. Each incident may have only one record for a page.
To access an existing district-defined page for a victim, select Discipline Center, Incident Summary, click on the specific victim's link, depending on your page view, either click the District-Defined tab or scroll to the district-defined pages at the bottom of the Victim Detail page. In the scroll view, you can also advance to these pages by selecting the District-Defined option in the Jump To field.
W - Witness
Use Witness district-defined pages to store additional information about witnesses in behavior incidents. For example, you may store witness contact information. Each witness may have only one record for a page.
To access an existing district-defined page for a witness, select Discipline Center, Incident Summary, click on the specific witness's link, depending on your page view, either click the District-Defined tab or scroll to the district-defined pages at the bottom of the Witness Detail page. In the scroll view, you can also advance to these pages by selecting the District-Defined option in the Jump To field.