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Where Does the SHARRS Report Data Come From

On this page:

This section will break down data by each program. The location of each field is noted for each program.

Mandatory Dental (MDSP)

Menu path: Medical > All > Student > Exams > Dental panel or Medical > All > Office > Dental



01. Dental Examinations by Family Dentist (Grades K/1,3,7)

Gets count of dental exams that fall within the date range (or 1 year prior to start date), have exam locations with code PRI, and are for students in the specified grades.

02A. Dental Exam by School Dentist (Mandated Grades)

Gets count of dental exams that fall within the date range (or 1 year prior to start date), have exam locations with code SCH, and are for students in the specified grades.

02B. Dental Exam by School Dentist (Other Grades)

Gets count of dental exams that fall within the date range (or 1 year prior to start date), have exam locations with code SCH, and are for students NOT in the specified grades.

02C. Referred

Gets count of dental exams that fall within the date range (or 1 year prior to start date), have exam locations with code SCH, are for students in any grade level, and for students that have a corresponding referral record.

02D. Referral Complete

Gets count of dental exams that fall within the date range (or 1 year prior to start date), have exam locations with code SCH, are for students in any grade level, and for students that have a corresponding referral record with a follow up code and date.

03. Fluoride Mouth Rinse Program

Gets count of dental exams that fall within the date range, have any exam location, were for students in any grade level, and have the Fluoride Mouth Rinse Program box checked.

04. Fluoride Tablet Program

Gets count of dental exams that fall within the date range, have any exam location, were for students in any grade level, and have the Fluoride Tablet Program box checked.

05. Topical Fluoride Program

Gets count of dental exams that fall within the date range, have any exam location, were for students in any grade level, and have the Topical Fluoride Program box checked.

Dental Hygiene Services Program

Menu path: Medical > All > Student > Exams > Dental panel or Medical > All > Office > Dental



01. Dental Examinations by Family Dentist

Gets count of dental exams that fall within the date range and have exam locations with code PRI.

02. Exams/Screens Performed in School Setting

Gets count of dental exams that fall within the date range and have exam locations with code SCH.

06. Receiving Prophylaxis Treatment

Gets count of dental exams that fall within the date range, have exam locations with code SCH, and have the Receiving Prophylaxis Treatment box checked.

07. In-School Prevent Dental Activities

Gets count of dental exams that fall within the date range, have exam locations with code SCH, and have the In-School Prevent Dental Activities box checked.

08. Dental Health Education

Gets count of dental exams that fall within the date range, have exam locations with code SCH, and have the Dental Health Education box checked.

03. Fluoride Mouth Rinse Program

Gets count of dental exams that fall within the date range, have any exam location, were for students in any grade level, and have the Fluoride Mouth Rinse Program box checked.

04. Fluoride Tablet Program

Gets count of dental exams that fall within the date range, have any exam location, were for students in any grade level, and have the Fluoride Tablet Program box checked.

05. Topical Fluoride Program

Gets count of dental exams that fall within the date range, have any exam location, were for students in any grade level, and have the Topical Fluoride Program box checked.

Health Services - Staff

Menu path: Regulatory > Pennsylvania > Reports > SHARRS Medical Report



01. Contacts for Illness

Gets count of staff office visits that fall within date range and have primary reasons that have a state code value of ILL.

02. Contacts for Injury

Gets count of staff office visits that fall within date range and have primary reasons that have a state code value of INJ.

03. Student Emergencies Requiring EMS Activation

Data is not collected in eSchoolPlus, defaulted to 0.

04. Student Emergencies Requiring use of AED

Data is not collected in eSchoolPlus, defaulted to 0.

Health Services - Student

Menu path: Medical > All > Student > Office Visits or Medical > All > Office > Daily Log



01. Contacts for Illness

Gets count of student office visits that fall within date range and have primary reasons that have a state code value of ILL.

02. Contacts for Injury

Gets count of student office visits that fall within date range and have primary reasons that have a state code value of INJ.

03. Students Required Skilled Nursing

Gets count of student office visits that fall within date range and have the Required Skilled Nurse box checked.

04. Students with IHP, 504, or IEP with Med Component

Gets count of students with PAIHP or PI504 program vectors that were open at any time during the date range.

05. Student Sent Home

Gets count of student office visits that fall within the date range and have the Sent Home box checked.

06. Student Emergencies Requiring EMS Activation

Gets count of student office visits that fall within the date range and have the Required EMS box checked.

07. Student Emergencies Requiring use of AED

Gets count of student office visits that fall within the date range and have the Required AED box checked.

Physical Examinations

Menu path: Medical > All > Student > Exams > Physicals panel or Medical > All > Office > Physical



Examined By Family Health Care Provider

Gets count of physical exams that fall within date range (or 1 year prior to start date), have exam locations with code PRI, and are for students in the specified grade levels.

Examined By School Health Care Provider

Gets count of physical exams that fall within date range (or 1 year prior to start date), have exam locations with code SCH, and are for students in the specified grade levels.

A. Grades K or 1, 6, 11

Gets count of physical exams that fall within date range (or 1 year prior to start date), have exam locations with code SCH, and are for students in grade levels specified.

This includes ANY grade level specified on the Physical Exam Grade list and can include grade levels outside of K, 1, 6, or 11.

B. Other Grades

Gets count of physical exams that fall within date range (or 1 year prior to start date), have exam locations with code SCH, and are for students in grade levels NOT included on the Physical Exam Grade List.

C. Referred For Further Evaluation

Gets count of physical exams that fall within the date range (or 1 year prior to start date), have exam locations with code SCH, are for students in any grade level, and where students have a corresponding referral record.

D. Completed Referrals Reported

Gets count of physical exams that fall within the date range (or 1 year prior to start date), have exam locations with code SCH, are for students in any grade level, and where students have a corresponding referral record with a Followup Code and Date.

Student Health Screens

Menu path: Medical > All > Student > Exams > Vision panel or Medical > All > Office > Vision
Menu path: Medical > All > Student > Exams > Hearing panel or Medical > All > Office > Hearing
Menu path: Medical > All > Student > Exams > Scoliosis panel or Medical > All > Office > Scoliosis
Menu path: Medical > All > Student > Exams > Growth panel or Medical > All > Office > Growth



10. Vision Screens (Totals)

Gets count of vision exams that fall within the date range and includes students in all grade levels.

# Referred

Gets count of vision exams that fall within the date range, were for students in all indicated grade levels, and have a corresponding referral record.

# Referrals Completed

Gets count of vision exams that fall within the date range, were for students in grade levels, and have a corresponding referral record with a Followup Code and Date.

11. Hearing (Totals)

Gets count of hearing exams that fall within the date range and were for students in grade levels included on the Hearing Screen Grade List.

Also includes all ungraded students with SPEC programs in the specified date range (value = 'Y').

# Referred

Gets count of hearing exams that fall within the date range, were for students in grade levels included on the Hearing Screen Grade List, and have a corresponding referral record.

Also includes all ungraded students with SPEC programs in the specified date range (value = 'Y').

# Referrals Completed

Gets count of hearing exams that fall within the date range, were for students in grade levels included on the Hearing Screen Grade List, and have a corresponding referral record with a Followup Code and Date.

Also includes all ungraded students with SPEC programs in the specified date range (value = 'Y').

12. Scoliosis (Totals)

Gets count of scoliosis exams that fall within the date range and were for students in grade levels included on the Scoliosis Screen Grade List.

# Referred

Gets count of scoliosis exams that fall within the date range, were for students in grade levels included on the Scoliosis Screen Grade List, and have a corresponding referral record.

# Referrals Completed

Gets count of scoliosis exams that fall within the date range, were for students in grade levels included on the Scoliosis Screen Grade List, and have a corresponding referral record with a Followup Code and Date.

13. Growth K-6 (By BMI Ranges)

Gets count of students with BMIs in specified ranges that have Growth Screen dates that fall within the date range and were for students in grade levels K-6 or EUG.

If multiple records exist, the most recent will be used.

14. Growth 7-12 (By BMI Ranges)

Gets count of students with BMIs in specified ranges that have Growth Screen dates that fall within the date range and were for students in grade levels 7-12 or SUG.

If multiple records exist, the most recent will be used.

Chronic Conditions

Menu path: Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Emergency > Medical Alerts panel



Counts for Conditions 01-14

Gets counts of current students (enrolled on Mar 21 of school year environment) with Medical Alerts that have state codes of 01-14 (regtb_medic_alert)

Serious School Injuries

Menu path: Medical > All > Student > Office Visits or Medical > All > Office > Daily Log



Counts By Nature (Options 01-10)

Gets count of office visits that were identified as serious injuries with Nature code values of 01-10.

Counts By Time Period (Options 01-09)

Gets count of office visits that were identified as serious injuries with Time Period code values of 01-09.

Counts By Location (Options 01-15)

Gets count of office visits that were identified as serious injuries with Location code values of 01-15.

Medical Administration



Doses By Individual Order (Categories 01-10)

Gets counts of doses of individual medication orders (PRN = No) for medications with state codes 01-10 (including A-D).

Menu path: Medical > All > Student > Medication Log or Medical > All > Office > Day Sheet or Medical > All > Student > Medication Requirements: Scheduled Medications panel

Doses By Standing Order (Categories 01-10)

Gets counts of doses of individual medication orders (PRN = Yes) for medications with state codes 01-10 (including A-D).

Menu path: Medical > All > Student > Office Visits or Medical > All > Office > Daily Log or Medical > All > Student > Medication Requirements: PRN Medications panel

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