SHARRS Medical Report
Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Pennsylvania submenu, select Reports, and then select SHARRS Medical Report.
This report summarizes medical data to assist in completing the student-related portions of the Request for Reimbursement and Report of School Health Services Form.
SHARRS Prerequisites
- Make sure all students are assigned to a grade level and enrolled in a building at some point during the school year.
- Verify that the Building Configuration is defined to differentiate between Public and Private buildings, if applicable. Buildings that are non-public school buildings must be assigned a Building Type of 'NP'.
- In order to be included in the appropriate counts on the SHARRS Report, exams provided on school premises by school providers should be assigned to a location that has the state code equivalent of "SCH". Exams administered by a private health care provider should be assigned to a location that has the state code equivalent of "PRI".
- In order to be included in the appropriate counts, any office visit resulting from an injury needs to be assigned a primary reason with a state code equivalent of "INJ," and visits resulting from an illness need to be assigned a primary reason with a state code equivalent of "ILL".
The PA School Health Services Reporting page describes the SHARRS Medical Report fields and services.