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Where Does the Data Come From on the PDE-4062 Summary Report



1.  Total Enrollment

Total number of unique students enrolled in reg_entry_with at some point during the date range being processed.

2A.  Days in Session

Total number of days in membership for the building and calendar from reg_calendar.

Attendance/Membership can be weighted 2 ways:

    1. Student is enrolled in a Calendar with a Default Membership Value < 1.0 (i.e. Student is in a ½ day calendar, etc)
    2. Student is enrolled in the Weighting program (PAWGT) and the program value < 1.0 (program displayed in the Percentage field on the PA Student Status page and defined as reg_user screen = 200, field = 2)
    These values are used when determining the Enrolled Percent reported in the Student Calendar Download. If no Weighting program exists, the Calendar's Default Membership Value will be used. If the student has the Weighting program records, the program values will be used instead.


    2C.  Aggregate Days Membership – Resident

    Sum of Membership values for the student being processed where the view_type = Prompted view type and the attendance_date is in the range specified by the Dates prompt and the student's reg_entry_with record where value in Residency program (Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Programs Setup where Program has State_code_equiv = 'RESIDENT') is equal to a regtb_residency where state_code_equiv = 'A'

    2D.  Aggregate Days Membership – Non Resident

    Sum of Membership values for the student being processed where the view_type = Prompted view type and the attendance_date is in the range specified by the Dates prompt and the student's reg_entry_with record where value in Residency program (Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Programs Setup where Program has State_code_equiv = 'RESIDENT') is equal to a regtb_residency where state_code_equiv != 'A'

    2E.  Aggregate Days Membership – Total

    Line 2C + 2D

    2F.  Average Daily Membership

    Line 2E / 2A

    The AVTS columns include only the values for students who are identified as AVTS students. To be identified as an AVTS student, the student must be assigned to an E/W record calendar that corresponds to one of the following two PIMS calendars: CTE-FD-H or CTE-PT-H. For the time periods enrolled in these calendars, Attendance/Membership value will be calculated as follows:

    Weighting Program Value * Attendance or Membership will be reported in the AVTS Home column.

    (1 - Weighting Program Value) * Attendance or Membership will be reported in the AVTS column. 

    For example, consider a student who is enrolled in an AVTS calendar that has a .65 for its Default Membership Value field. The attendance and membership values for the time the student was enrolled in the AVTS calendar will be multiplied by .65 and included in the AVTS Home column; the same attendance and membership values will be multiplied by .35 (or 1 - .65) and included in the AVTS column.

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