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Primary Staff And Secondary Staff Tracking For Courses

Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule > Session Information panel > Staff and Room Information section

You can add primary staff and secondary staff for student courses during student enrollment or any time during the school year. Choose the course you wish to assign, and follow the illustrations and steps as listed below.

Primary StaffClick the Primary Staff link. In the Staff Date Tracking page, enter the primary staff tracking information:
  • Staff – Select the primary staff
  • Start Date – Enter the date of starting the course
  • End Date – Enter the date of exiting the course, if applicable
Secondary StaffClick the Secondary Staff link. In the Staff Date Tracking page, enter the secondary staff tracking information.
  • Staff – Select the secondary staff
  • Start Date – Enter the date of starting the course
  • End Date – Enter the date of exiting the course, if applicable

To assign staff members to a Master Schedule course section:

  1. Select Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule.
  2. Click Add to create a new record.
  3. Complete the Course panel's fields. After you select the Course, you may add the Primary Staff member at any point.
  4. On the Session Information panel > Session 1 section > Staff and Room Information section, click the Primary Staff link. The Staff Date Tracking pages opens.
  5. Select the staff member who serves as Primary Staff for the course section.
  6. Enter 100 for the % Responsibility Weight field. This indicates the Primary Staff member teaches the students 100% of the time. 100% should always be entered for the Primary Staff member.
  7. The Start Date defaults based on the earliest Marking Period start date associated with the course section for the building's calendar.
  8. Leave the End Date blank.
  9. Click OK. You return to the main Master Schedule page.
  10. To assign secondary staff for the course section session, repeat Steps 4 through 9 using the hyperlink in the Secondary Staff field. You may add as many Secondary Staff as necessary. In the % Responsibility Weight field, enter the percentage of course time the staff member serves the course's students. Enter this value as a whole number rather than a decimal value.
  11. Repeat Steps 2 through 10 for any remaining sessions associated with the course section.
  12. If necessary, you may enter overrides to Instructional Relationship Weight or Push-In/Pull-Out Time. These are calculated fields for the Staff Student Subtest template that may be overridden on the Staff Date Tracking page. Refer to the Adding Secondary Staff as a Push-In/Pull-Out Teacher for information on Student Linking.

Note: If the Primary Staff member changes during the school year, an End Date must be entered before a new Primary Staff member can be entered.

Staff Student Subtest Fields

These are the fields used for the Staff Student Subtest template:

Inst Resp WeightEnter the percentage for which the staff member is responsible for the course. This field reports the percentage of a course that a student and teacher are concurrently enrolled in a course.
Inst Rel Wght OverrideInstructional Relationship Weight is a calculated field that reflects the total possible time in a course that staff and student could be together. Use this field to enter an override of the calculation if applicable.
Push In/Pull Out Time Override

Push-In/Pull-Out minutes is a calculated field that reflects the total minutes a student is with a Secondary Staff member. Use this field to enter an override of the calculation if applicable.

Note: This field applies ONLY to Secondary Staff.



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