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Entering Safe Schools Discipline Incidents

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Follow these procedures to ensure that incidents that should be reported as Safe Schools incidents are entered properly.

Incident Detail Incident Panel for Safe School Incidents

Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail

Incident panel



Template/Field Reported In


The Building where the incident took place.

Incident/Location Code of Incident


The type of incident.  Incidents with state code equivs of 1-50 will be downloaded as part of the Safe School records.

Incident Offender Infraction/Infraction Code


Select the appropriate timeframe in which the incident occurred.

Incident/Incident Time Frame Code


The type of location that the incident occurred in (i.e. classroom or hallway).

Incident/Incident Place Code

Offenders Panel

If an offender is not a student, select Other Non-Student. You can search for and select an existing non-student, or you can add a new record using the Name field's Search.

Police Panel

Complaint NumberIf applicable, use this field to report the LLE Number. This is the number used by local law enforcement to identify the incident.

Offender Entry

You may enter as many offenders on a discipline incident as you want or as your District policy dictates. To access the Offender Detail page for an incident, select Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail > Offenders Panel > Detail Page

Offender Detail Offenses Panel

Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail > Offenders Panel > Detail Page > Offenses Panel

Enter as many Offenses as necessary. Depending on your District's configuration, you may only be able to enter one offense per incident.



Template/Field Reported In


The type of offense that the offender was involved in.

Incident Offender Infraction/Infraction Code


Enter a comment for offenses with a state code equiv of 16 (All Other Forms of Harassment/Intimidation), 41 (Possession of Other Firearm) or 46 (Possession of Other Weapon).

Incident Offender Infraction/Infraction Comment

Offender Detail General Panel

Enter as many weapons as necessary that the Offender had in his/her possession at the time of the incident.  Information is required here if the State Code Equiv on the Incident/Offense Codes validation table is between 39 and 46. If you enter an Offense of 39, Possession of a Handgun, then you should have a Weapon entry to indicate Handgun and how many the student had in possession.

When adding a weapon to the incident, the weapon's state code equiv must match the incident's state code equiv. Otherwise the download will mark the weapon count as 0.

The Drugs field is not used in PIMS Discipline reporting. Your District business process may indicate that you should enter data here.

Offender Detail Charges and Convictions Panel

No fields on this panel are used in PIMS Discipline reporting. Your District business process may indicate that you should enter data here.

Offender Detail Offender Notes Panel

No fields on this panel are used in PIMS Discipline reporting. Your District business process may indicate that you should enter data here.

Other Offender Information Panel

There are several fields on Discipline District-Defined pages that have been configured for Pennsylvania that are used in Discipline Reporting.

To add PA-specific information in the Other Offender Information panel, click Add for the panel you wish to add, either Offender or Offender Parental Involvement.

To view existing district-defined offender data, click Expand for the appropriate panel, either Offender or Offender Parental Information.

Offender District-Defined Panel: Offender

Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail > Offenders Panel > Detail Page> Other Offender Information Panel > Offender Panel



Template/Field Reported In

Person District Code

If the Offender is not from your District, enter his/her District Code here.

Person/Person District Code

Alt Education Indicator

Checked if the student receives Alternative Education as a result of the offense (Action Code of R1).

Incident Offender/Assigned to Alternative Education Indicator

Arrested Code

Indicates if a student was arrested and if he/she was, whether it was an arrest for a weapons violation.

Incident Offender/Arrested Code

Detection of Weapon

If the Arrest Code is YW, you must enter a value to indicate who detected the weapon.

Incident Offender/Weapon Detected Method Code

Weapon Detection Comment

The comment is required if you select Other in the Detection of Weapon field.  The comment only appears in the Incident Offender template if Detection of Weapon is Other.

Incident Offender/Weapon Detected Comment

Offender Type

Select the Type of Offender.

Incident Offender/Offender Type

Reported to Police

Checked if the offender was reported to police for this incident.

Incident Offender/LLE Notified Indicator

Police Department

Enter the name of the local law enforcement department that the incident was reported to.

Incident Offender/Name of LLE Office Contacted

Adjudication 1-6

If the Arrested Code is YW or YN, you must enter a value in this field to indicate the outcome of any court action(s).

Incident Offender/Adjudication Code

Primary Placement

Checked if the the student was in a residential facility or group home by a non-educational agency at the time of the incident.

This field is required if Offender Type = 2.

Incident Offender

Offender District-Defined Panel: Offender Parental Involvement

Use this panel to track any Parental Involvement for an Offender.

Select the type of parental involvement that occurred and enter comments. Comments are required if you select 6 – Other as the Parental Involvement. Otherwise you do not need to enter anything.

Discipline Action Entry

Depending on your District's policy, the page where you enter Disciplinary Actions may look different. Your District can elect to track each day of a discipline action separately (Track Occurrences) or track the total number of days a disciplinary action will last (Not Tracking Occurrences).

  • You must enter all Sanctions and Remedial Programs as Actions. All Remedial Program actions will be sent to the State, but only the most severe sanction will be sent.
  • For Safe School incidents, the offender needs at least one Offense Action Code that has a state code equiv beginning with the letter S. This is considered a sanction-type disciplinary action. If the offender has multiple Action Codes, make sure to enter the sanction-type action first so it gets reported in the Discipline Incident Offender Disciplinary Action template.
  • The Actual Duration has to be reported to the State as a decimal (i.e. 2.00 for 2 days).  You can enter 2 in the field and during the download, the system will translate it to 2.00.

Offender Detail:  Actions Panel—Not Tracking Occurrences

Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail > Offenders Panel > Detail Page > Actions Panel

Click Add for a new Action or click Expand for an existing Action

The values from the Action Code (Disciplinary Action Code) and Actual Duration (Disciplinary Action Duration) fields are sent to the State in the Incident Offender Disciplinary Action template. 

The duration is required to be reported when the Action Code's State Code Equiv is S3 through S7.

  • The Action Code displays as an Actions panel section heading after you enter an incident action. To see details for the action, click Expand for the appropriate record in the Actions panel.
  • Actual Duration is in the Dates section.

Offender Detail: Actions Panel—Tracking Occurrences

Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail > Offenders Panel > Detail Page > Actions Panel 

Click Add for a new Action or click Expand for an existing Action

The values from the Action Code (Disciplinary Action Code) and Actual Duration (Disciplinary Action Duration) fields are sent to the State in the Incident Offender Disciplinary Action template.  

Because some of the Actions may occur for more days than is practical to enter Occurrences for (i.e. expulsion for 90 days) you can enter a value in the Actual Duration field for the total number of days. During the download process, if your District is Tracking Occurrences, we will first look for a value in the Dates section's Actual Duration field.  If we don't find a value there, then we will count up the occurrences with values in the date grid's Actual Date column.

Offender Detail: District-Defined Actions Section on the Actions Panel

Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail > Offenders Panel > Detail Page > Actions Panel > Action section 

Click Add if no district-defined information exists for the action or click Expand to view existing district-defined action entries

This section and the way you enter data on it will be the same whether you are tracking occurrences or not. Reminder: you must save the Action before you can access this section.

Disciplinary Action Comment is required if:

  • The State Code Equiv of the Action Code is S10, R9.
  • The incident involved a firearm and the student was not expelled.

If the Student has an Action with State Code Equiv of S5, S6, or S7 and has received Educational Services from your District during the expulsion, check the Received Services Indicator checkbox.

Police Panel on the Incident Detail Page for Safe School Incidents

Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail > Police Panel

If you are only entering one offender per incident, you could update the Reported to Police and Police Department fields on this page instead of on the offender-level Offender District-Defined panel. 

Victim Entry

The following sections cover victim information entry for reporting a Safe School incident.

Victims Panel on the Incident Detail Page for Safe School Incidents

Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail > Victims panel

According to the PIMS Manual, the following infraction codes (State Code Equiv on the Incident/Offense Codes validation table) have victims: 1 – 12, 14 – 16, 18 – 27, possibly 38.

Enter Victims as necessary on the Victims panel. If a victim is not a student, select Other Non-Student. You can search for and select an existing non-student, or you can add a new record using the Name field's Search.

Select the correct Victim Type—this will be used in the Incident Victim file in the Victim Type field.

After you have entered the victims, click Save. To access Pennsylvania victim district-defined page information, click the Victim panel's Detail Page.

  • If the victim has the MD Treatment box checked on the Victim district-defined page, then entry is required for the Victim Notes panel.
  • PIMS reporting does not require any additional victim information. Your District policy may indicate that you need to enter data on the Notified, Injuries, or Actions panels.

Victim Notes

Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail > Victims panel > click the Victim panel's Detail Page > Victim Notes panel

If a victim required medical treatment, you must enter information about the treatment on the Victim Notes panel.

Other Victim Information Panel: Victim

Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail > Victims panel > click the Victim panel's Detail Page > Other Victim Information panel > Victim section



Template/Field Reported In

Referred SAP

Checked if the victim is a student and has received a Student Assistance Program referral.

Incident Victim/Student Assistance Program Referral Indicator

MD Treatment

Checked if the victim received medical treatment as a result of injuries sustained by the Discipline Incident. If this is checked you must enter information regarding the treatment on the Victim Notes panel.

Incident Victim/Medical Treatment Required Indicator

Person District Code

If the victim is not from your District, enter his/her District Code here.

Person/Person District Code

Injury Severity

Select the appropriate Injury Severity value for the victim.

Incident Victim/Injury Severity Code

Incident District-Defined Entry

Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail > Other Incident Information panel > Incident section

Incident data that is required by the State of Pennsylvania and that is not stored in baseline eSchoolPlus can be found on the district-defined Incident panel.



Template/Field Reported In

Incident Against Property

Checked if there was property damage as a result of the incident.

Incident/Incident Against Property Indicator

Reporter Type CodeChecked if the incident was reported through the Safe2Say hotline program.Incident/Incident Reporter Type Code
Unfounded IndicatorChecked if the incident reported was determined to be unfounded.Incident/Unfounded Indicator Code
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