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April 2024 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_24.4.0.0



Release Note

ESP-93692PA PIMS Discipline

Updated download processing to send the Charter School AUN as the Submitting AUN in the Incident Offender template if the student building is a charter school.

ESP-92656PVAAS Staff Student Subtest Override

Resolved an issue on the PVAAS Staff Student Subtest Override page when adding a value to the Instructional Responsibility Weight field while leaving the Instructional Relationship Weight field blank, clicking the Save button resulted in a Reference ID error with no explanation to the user. The page now displays a validation message indicating that the Instructional Responsibility Weight and Instructional Relationship weight fields are mandatory if a manually entered record is added.

ESP-92515OCR - ENRL-1 Student Enrollment Count

Resolved an issue in OCR Reporting where the ENRL-1 Student Enrollment count includes Preschool students. The ENRL-1 count should only include Grades K-12 and UG.

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