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State ID Requests and Uploads

To get State IDs, create an SSID Request File from eSchoolPlus, submit it to the State to get the SSIDs, and then upload the resulting file into eSchoolPlus.

State ID Requests

 Follow these instructions to create an SSID Request file to send to the State.

  1. On the OR Student Download page (Regulatory > Collections > Collections > OR Student Download), on the Prompts panel, select the Reporting Period for the SSID download. The selected value shouldhave a Report Period of SS in the Report Period validation table (the Start Date and End Date values will be populated from the SS Report Period field in the Report Period validation table).
  2. Enter the following Filter values: Personal for Area, SSID for Field Name, and is blank for Condition.
  3. Click the Run icon at the top right of the page.
  4. Review errors in the OR Student Download Error Log from the Tasks and Reports page (click the Tasks/Reports button on the Navigation bar), and update the data as necessary.
  5. Once any data updates are made, repeat step 1 using the same prompt values. Repeat Steps 1-4 until all errors are corrected.
  6. Display the OR Student Submission Files page (Regulatory > Collections > Collections > OR Student Submission Files).
  7. Enter the School Year that you used in Step 1.
  8. Select the SSID Download in the Reporting Period field.
  9. Click the Run icon at the top right of the page to create the submission file.
  10. Access the OR SSID Download Extract file on the Tasks and Reports page (click the Tasks/Reports button on the Navigation bar).

State ID Upload

  1. Save the file from the state in an-easy-to-find directory.
  2. Rename the file you got from the state to ssid.txt
  3. Open eSchoolPlus and select Upload File from the Quick Search menu.
  4. Select the ssid.txt file on the Upload File panel.
  5. Click the upload icon on the top right of the page.
  6. Click Tasks/Reports button on the Navigation bar to display the Tasks and Reports page.
  7. When the upload is complete, access ssid.txt file from the Reports panel.
  8. Select Regulatory > Utilities > Utilities > State ID Upload to display the State ID Upload page.
  9. Select Interface ID: ORID (which is pre-defined by PowerSchool). Leave the User's Report Directory selected (this is the directory we loaded the file into). NOTE: You probably want to run in verify mode the first time & irrespective of the mode, always choose only to update existing records, since you wouldn't ever want to insert records into reg_personal – they should already exist.
  10. Click the Run icon at the top right of the page.
  11. Upon completion, open the Interface Upload Log file and review any error information encountered during processing.
  12. Once data is verified, you can now choose to run in the Run Upload mode and click on Update Existing records and click Run.
  13. Check your students and verify they now have state IDs on the Personal page.
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