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Report Mapping and Calculations

Following are explanations of the Immunization and Exemption Rates Report's database and calculation sources:

Immunization and Exemption Rates Report Field

Database Source or Calculation

Description of Calculation

Number of Students Enrolled

Adjusted Enrollment from Section H

Adjusted Enrollment from Section H

Percent of students with no immunization or exemption record

(Count of students with reg_programs.field_value = Y where program_id = ORIMM. Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > OR Immunization Exclusion divided by Adjusted Enrollment) x 100

(No Records from Section H / Adjusted Enrollment from Section H) * 100

Percent of students with a medical exemption to one or more vaccine

(Count of students where med_general.immune_exempt = 'M' divided by Adjusted Enrollment) x 100

(Medical exemptions from Section H / Adjusted Enrollment from Section H) x 100

DTaP/Tdap – Percent Vaccinated

[(Count of students where med_series.series_status = 'CO' or 'DS' for series_code that maps to medtb_shot.state_code_equiv = 'DTAP') + (Count of students where med_series.series_status = 'CO' or 'DS' for series_code that maps to medtb_shot.state_code_equiv = 'TDAP') divided by Adjusted Enrollment] x 100

(DTaP Number with vaccines from Section H / Adjusted Enrollment from Section H) x 100

DTaP/Tdap – Percent missing one or more doses due to nonmedical exemption

(For med_series.series_code that maps to medtb_shot.state_code_equiv = 'DTAP', find count of students where med_series.series_exemption = 'NMEM' or 'NMHP' divided by Adjusted Enrollment) x 100

(DTaP Number with non-medical exemptions from Section H / Adjusted Enrollment from Section H) x 100

Polio – Percent Vaccinated

(Count of students where med_series.series_status = 'CO' or 'DS' for series_code that maps to medtb_shot.state_code_equiv = 'POLIO' divided by Adjusted Enrollment) x 100

(Polio Number with vaccines from Section H / Adjusted Enrollment from Section H) x 100

Polio – Percent missing one or more doses due to nonmedical exemption

(For med_series.series_code that maps to medtb_shot.state_code_equiv = 'POLIO', find count of students where med_series.series_exemption = 'NMEM' or 'NMHP' divided by Adjusted Enrollment) x 100

(Polio Number with non-medical exemptions from Section H / Adjusted Enrollment from Section H) x 100

Varicella – Percent Vaccinated

(Count of students where med_series.series_status = 'CO' or 'DS' for series_code that maps to medtb_shot.state_code_equiv = 'VAR'
divided by Adjusted Enrollment) x 100

(Varicella Number with vaccines from Section H / Adjusted Enrollment from Section H) x 100

Varicella – Percent missing one or more doses due to nonmedical exemption

(For med_series.series_code that maps to medtb_shot.state_code_equiv = 'VAR', find count of students where med_series.series_exemption = 'NMEM' or 'NMHP' divided by Adjusted Enrollment) x 100

(Varicella Number with non-medical exemptions from Section H / Adjusted Enrollment from Section H) x 100

Measles – Percent Vaccinated

(Count of students where med_series.series_status = 'CO' or 'DS' for series_code that maps to medtb_shot.state_code_equiv = 'MEASLES'
divided by Adjusted Enrollment) x 100

(Measles Number with vaccines from Section H / Adjusted Enrollment from Section H) x 100

Measles – Percent missing one or more doses due to nonmedical exemption

(For med_series.series_code that maps to medtb_shot.state_code_equiv = 'MEASLES', find count of students where med_series.series_exemption = 'NMEM' or 'NMHP' divided by Adjusted Enrollment) x 100

(Measles Number with non-medical exemptions from Section H / Adjusted Enrollment from Section H) x 100

Mumps – Percent Vaccinated

(Count of students where med_series.series_status = 'CO' or 'DS' for series_code that maps to medtb_shot.state_code_equiv = 'MUMPS'
divided by Adjusted Enrollment) x 100

Mumps – Percent missing one or more doses due to nonmedical exemption

(For med_series.series_code that maps to medtb_shot.state_code_equiv = 'MUMPS', find count of students where med_series.series_exemption = 'NMEM' or 'NMHP' divided by Adjusted Enrollment) x 100

Rubella – Percent Vaccinated

(Count of students where med_series.series_status = 'CO' or 'DS' for series_code that maps to medtb_shot.state_code_equiv = 'RUBELLA'
divided by Adjusted Enrollment) x 100

Rubella – Percent missing one or more doses due to nonmedical exemption

(For med_series.series_code that maps to medtb_shot.state_code_equiv = 'RUBELLA', find count of students where med_series.series_exemption = 'NMEM' or 'NMHP' divided by Adjusted Enrollment) x 100

Hep B – Percent Vaccinated

(Count of students where med_series.series_status = 'CO' or 'DS' for series_code that maps to medtb_shot.state_code_equiv = 'HEPB'
divided by Adjusted Enrollment) x 100

Hep B Number with vaccines from Section H / Adjusted Enrollment from Section H) x 100

Hep B – Percent missing one or more doses due to nonmedical exemption

(For med_series.series_code that maps to medtb_shot.state_code_equiv = 'HEPB', find count of students where med_series.series_exemption = 'NMEM' or 'NMHP' divided by Adjusted Enrollment) x 100

(Hep B Number with non-medical exemptions from Section H / Adjusted Enrollment from Section H) x 100

Hep A – Percent Vaccinated

(Count of students where med_series.series_status = 'CO' or 'DS' for series_code that maps to medtb_shot.state_code_equiv = 'HEPA'
divided by Adjusted Enrollment) x 100

(Hep A Number with vaccines from Section H / Adjusted Enrollment from Section H) x 100

Hep A – Percent missing one or more doses due to nonmedical exemption

(For med_series.series_code that maps to medtb_shot.state_code_equiv = 'HEPA', find count of students where med_series.series_exemption = 'NMEM' or 'NMHP' divided by Adjusted Enrollment) x 100

(Hep A Number with non-medical exemptions from Section H / Adjusted Enrollment from Section H) x 100

All Vaccines – Percent Vaccinated

(Count of students where med_general.immune_status = 'CO' divided by Adjusted Enrollment) x 100

(All Vaccines Number with vaccines from Section H / Adjusted Enrollment from Section H) x 100

All Vaccines – Percent missing one or more doses due to nonmedical exemption

(Count of students where med_series.series_exemption = 'NMEM' or 'NMHP' for all state_code_equivs listed above divided by Adjusted Enrollment) x 100

(All Vaccines Number with non-medical exemptions from Section H / Adjusted Enrollment from Section H) x 100

Students enrolled for whom immunizations are not required (tracked by another district or attend fewer than 5 days per year)

Count of students with reg_programs.field_value = Y where program_id = ORIMM. Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > OR Immunization Exclusion.

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