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Primary Staff and Secondary Staff Tracking for Courses

Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule 

You can add primary staff and secondary staff for student courses during student enrollment or any time during the school year. To do so, in the Staff and Room Information section of the Session Information panel, click the Primary Staff or Secondary Staff field links. The link displays the Staff Date Tracking window where you can associate a teacher with the Master Schedule course-section session. You can also use this window to view date ranges where a primary or secondary staff member may have been replaced by someone else.



Primary Staff

Click the Primary Staff link. On the Staff Date Tracking window, enter the primary staff tracking information such as:
Staff - Select the primary staff for the course.
Start Date - Enter the date of starting the course
End Date - Enter the date of exiting the course

Secondary Staff

Click the Secondary Staff link. On the Staff Date Tracking window, enter the secondary staff tracking information such as:
Staff - Select the secondary staff for the course.
Start Date - Enter the date of starting the course
End Date - Enter the date of exiting the course

To assign staff members to a Master Schedule course-section:

  1. Add the Master Schedule course-section and session information. You will need to save the course-section before you assign staff.
  2. On the Master Schedule page's Session Information panel, click Primary Staff to display the Staff Date Tracking window and assign a primary staff member to the course-section session.
  3. Select the staff member who serves as Primary Staff for the course-section. The Start Date defaults to the earliest Marking Period start date associated with the course-section for the building's calendar. Leave the End Date blank.
  4. Make the following entries on the Staff Date Tracking window for ODE reporting:
    • Position Code – This is used in the Class Roster file. You only need a value here if the staff member's Position Code for this course-section differs from his or her value from the staff-level OR STAFF INFORMATION district-defined page (Scheduling > Courses > Resources > Staff, click a staff member link, then click the OR STAFF INFORMATION link on the District-Defined panel). If this field is blank, the download defaults a value of 08 – Teacher, Non-Special Ed. Click the Save icon to save any OR STAFF INFORMATION changes.
    • Teacher License Set to N – This is used in the Staff Assignment collection. Leave the box un-checked (default) if the staff member should have a Teacher License Flag setting of Y in the Staff Assignment file. If checked, the box reports an N for Teacher License Flag.
  5. Click OK. The staff member is assigned for the session.
  6. To assign secondary staff for the course-section session, repeat Steps 2 through 5, but click the Secondary Staff hyperlink in Step 2.
  7. Repeat Steps 2 through 5 for any remaining sessions associated with the course-section.
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