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OR Transcript Calculation Notes

Make sure that you follow these guidelines when running calculations prior to printing transcripts.

Attendance Day Totals Calculation Notes

Attendance > All > Utilities > Day Totals Calculation

Use the following options:

  • Building: The building where you would like to run the calculation
  • View Types: Select TRN (if you use Print Custom Transcripts) or the View Type defined on the Attendance Setup panel of the building's Transcript View Setup page (if you use the baseline Print Transcripts option. This may also be the TRN View Type)
  • Run Option: For Interval YTD

Input filter criteria for which students you would like to run the calculation for, and click the Run icon at the top right of the page. Note that running the Day Totals Calculation for all students in the high school can take a long time depending on the size of your high school. Also note that this calculation can be scheduled.

Attendance Interval Totals Calculation Notes

Attendance > All > Utilities > Interval Totals Calculation

Use the following options:

  • Building: The building where you would like to run the calculation
  • View Types: Select TRN (if you use Print Custom Transcripts) or the View Type defined on the Attendance Setup panel of the building's Transcript View Setup page (if you use the baseline Print Transcripts option. This may also be the TRN View Type)
  • Run Calculation: select For Interval, and then select the Interval you use for totaling year-to-date transcript attendance.

 Input filter criteria for which students you would like to run the calculation for, and click the Run icon at the top right of the page.

Graduation Requirements Calculation Notes

Mark Reporting > Utilities > Calculations > Graduation Requirements Calculation

The graduation requirement calculation must be run in to populate the "Credit Summary - Graduation Requirements" box on the transcript. It is also necessary to generate the subject areas that display next to the individual courses listed in the transcript.

Choose the building of the student(s), define your filter criteria, and then click the Run icon at the top right of the page.

GPA and Rank Calculation Notes

It is important to only run the rank calculation after GPA calculations have been run first for all of the students in the specified grade to ensure consistent class sizes between the two. (Students are only included in the class size if they have a GPA record for that GPA type.)

On the transcript, the rank that is displayed is the Cumulative Class Rank. To see the Cumulative Class Rank for a student, navigate to Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > GPA Summary. If multiple years display, the Class Rank that will display on the Transcript will be the most recent Cumulative Rank data.

If you find that the class size varies from weighted vs. nonweighted GPA, for example, it could be that:

  • one of the GPAs was set up to include inactives and one was not
  • the GPA calc was run for one GPA type and not the other
  • the rank calculation was run for one GPA type and not the other

If you refresh the GPA (click the Additonal options icon on the GPA's panel and select Refresh GPA) on the GPA Summary page, this will create GPA records for the current year, even for terms that are not yet complete. As described above, this will cause the most recent GPA record to be displayed, which may be okay, but would mean that you will probably not have calculated rank for that semester yet, so the student's most recent rank will appear as 0 out of whatever. If you find this to be the case, you can simply delete the GPA record where it is unwarranted. Running the GPA calculation from the menu instead, including only up through term 1 in this example, will avoid this issue as well.

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